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Object cache instance collection


To configure and manage object cache instances, which in addition to the default shared dynamic cache, can store, distribute, and share data for Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications. Use cache instances to give applications better flexibility and tuning of the cache resources.

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Use the DistributedObjectCache programming interface to access the cache instances.

Scope Specify CELL SCOPE to view and configure cache instances that are available to all servers within the cell. Specify NODE SCOPE to set cache instances that are available to all servers with the particular node. Specify SERVER SCOPE to view and configure cache instances that are available only on the specific server.
Name Required display name for the resource.
JNDI name JNDI name for the resource. Use this name when looking up a reference to this cache instance. The results return a DistributedMap object.
Cache size

Specifies a positive integer for the maximum number of entries the cache holds. The cache size is usually in the thousands. The default is 2000. The minimum value is 100, with no set maximum value.


Related tasks

Use the DistributedMap and DistributedObjectCache interfaces for the dynamic cache
Object cache instance settings
Servlet cache instance collection