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Nodes collection for Find results

To display nodes with their version numbers based on the results of the Find option. We can additionally display node resources for nodes that you select.

To view this admin console page, click Jobs > Nodes.


When you click Jobs > Nodes, we can use the Find option to determine the nodes to display. After you click Find, the results are displayed in the table. The table follows the Find and Preferences options. Clicking Reset clears the operators in column 2 and text in column 3.

Table 1. Find results

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Except for the maximum results parameter, this column lists parameters that define nodes. The node name, job type, and unique identifier parameters are always available. The rest of the parameters are for the node properties, dynamic, and built at run time. The dynamic parameters are displayed when you click the Advanced find options link.

  • All parameters except maximum results: Valid operators for the find operation are = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null.

  • All parameters except maximum results and type: String or partial string of a parameter. A partial string is designated using an asterisk (*). For example, setting the node name parameter to Node* finds all jobs with a node name that starts with Node. We can search on an exact match for multiple items by including the items to match separated by commas. For example, we can search on two node names by entering Node1, Node2. When you search on more than one item, we cannot use the asterisk.

  • Maximum results: Number of records that the find operation displays. Enter a value between one and the maximum number of records that can be retrieved as defined in the job manager configuration.

Example: If the nodes are AppSvr01, AppSvr02, AppSvr03, and Test01, we can enter App or App* for column 3 and = for column 2 of the node parameter. The node names displayed in the table are AppSvr01, AppSvr02, and AppSvr03.

Display resources

To display node resources of selected nodes, click Display resources. Your ID must be authorized for the monitor role. A dropdown list displays all available resources. Possible values are All, Applications, Servers, and Clusters. The choices in the list depend on the nodes registered with the job manager. For example, if we do not have a deployment manager registered to the job manager, clusters are not in the list.

Node name

Node names that are found as a result of the find option.


Product name and version number of the node.

WAS ND v7.0 version is the version of a WAS for nodes.

The base edition of WAS is listed in the version column as Base. The ND product is listed in the version column as ND.

WAS ND v7.0 in the version column indicates WAS that you used to create the profile, not the type of profile that you installed. For example, if we use WAS ND to install a profile type of application server, the version column indicates ND.


Node properties


Related tasks

Administer nodes using the job manager
Administer nodes of the job manager



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