This type is a class for model objects.
The service-ref element declares a reference to a Web service. It contains optional description, display name and icons, a declaration of the required Service interface, an optional WSDL document location, an optional set of JAX-RPC mappings, an optional QName for the service element, an optional set of Service Endpoint Interfaces to be resolved by the container to a WSDL port, and an optional set of handlers.
Package: wsclient
Supertype: CompatibilityDescriptionGroup
Classifier ID: -1
Instance class name: * Unspecified *
Instance class: * Unspecified *
Reference attributes having this type:
Collection attributes having this type:
Attributes Summary serviceRefName : EString The service-ref-name element declares logical name that the components in the module use to look up the Web service. It is recommended that all service reference names start with "service/". wsdlFile : EString The wsdl-file element contains the URI location of a WSDL file. The location is relative to the root of the module. jaxrpcMappingFile : EString The jaxrpc-mapping-file element contains the name of a file that describes the JAX-RPC mapping between the Java interaces used by the application and the WSDL description in the wsdl-file. The file name is a relative path within the module file. serviceInterface : JavaClass @ The service-interface element declares the fully qualified class name of the JAX-RPC Service interface the client depends on. In most cases the value will be javax.xml.rpc.Service. A JAX-RPC generated Service Interface class may also be specified. portComponentRefs : PortComponentRef * The port-component-ref element declares a client dependency on the container for resolving a Service Endpoint Interface to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint Interface with a particular port-component. This is only used by the container for a Service.getPort(Class) method call. handlers : Handler * Declares the handler for a port-component. Handlers can access the init-param name/value pairs using the HandlerInfo interface. If port-name is not specified, the handler is assumed to be associated with all ports of the service. serviceQname : QName @ * No description is available *
Attribute Details
serviceRefName - The service-ref-name element declares logical name that the components in the module use to look up the Web service. It is recommended that all service reference names start with "service/".
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
wsdlFile - The wsdl-file element contains the URI location of a WSDL file. The location is relative to the root of the module.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
jaxrpcMappingFile - The jaxrpc-mapping-file element contains the name of a file that describes the JAX-RPC mapping between the Java interaces used by the application and the WSDL description in the wsdl-file. The file name is a relative path within the module file.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
serviceInterface - The service-interface element declares the fully qualified class name of the JAX-RPC Service interface the client depends on. In most cases the value will be javax.xml.rpc.Service. A JAX-RPC generated Service Interface class may also be specified.
Reference Type: JavaClass @
Containment: false
Container: false
Required: true
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 1
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
portComponentRefs - The port-component-ref element declares a client dependency on the container for resolving a Service Endpoint Interface to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint Interface with a particular port-component. This is only used by the container for a Service.getPort(Class) method call.
Reference Type: PortComponentRef *
Containment: true
Container: false
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: true
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: Unbounded
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
handlers - Declares the handler for a port-component. Handlers can access the init-param name/value pairs using the HandlerInfo interface. If port-name is not specified, the handler is assumed to be associated with all ports of the service.
Reference Type: Handler *
Containment: true
Container: false
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: true
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: Unbounded
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
serviceQname - * No description is available *
Reference Type: QName @
Containment: true
Container: false
Required: true
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 1
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006