
This type is a class for model objects.

Specifies information about the data source that the session manager will use to obtain database connections.

Package: webcontainer

Classifier ID:  -1
Instance class name:  * Unspecified *
Instance class:  * Unspecified *

Reference attributes having this type:

Attributes Summary
datasourceJNDIName : EString Specifies the JNDI name of the datasource from which the session manager will obtain database connections. The data source represents a pool of database connections and a configuration for that pool (such as the pool size).The datasource must already exist as a configured resource in the environment.
userId : EString The user ID for database access.
password : Password The password for database access.
db2RowSize : DB2RowSizeEnum Specified in kilobytes (kb). This corresponds to the tablespace page size configured for the sessions table. This parameter is specific to db2. Possible values are 4, 8, 16, and 32. This determines the session data size that can be stored in varchar for binary data. When this value is other than 4K, specify tableSpaceName to use. For 4K pages, tableSpaceName is optional.
tableSpaceName : EString Specifies tablespace that is to be used for sessions table. This value is required when db2RowSize is specified other than 4Kb

Attribute Details

datasourceJNDIName  -  Specifies the JNDI name of the datasource from which the session manager will obtain database connections. The data source represents a pool of database connections and a configuration for that pool (such as the pool size).The datasource must already exist as a configured resource in the environment.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

userId  -  The user ID for database access.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

password  -  The password for database access.
    Data Type: Password
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

db2RowSize  -  Specified in kilobytes (kb). This corresponds to the tablespace page size configured for the sessions table. This parameter is specific to db2. Possible values are 4, 8, 16, and 32. This determines the session data size that can be stored in varchar for binary data. When this value is other than 4K, specify tableSpaceName to use. For 4K pages, tableSpaceName is optional.
    Data Type: DB2RowSizeEnum
    Default value:  unspecified
    Allowed values:
        0 - ROW_SIZE_4KB
        1 - ROW_SIZE_8KB
        2 - ROW_SIZE_16KB
        3 - ROW_SIZE_32KB
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  true
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

tableSpaceName  -  Specifies tablespace that is to be used for sessions table. This value is required when db2RowSize is specified other than 4Kb
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006