
This type is a class for model objects.

Declares a filter in the web application application. The filter is mapped to either a servlet or a URL pattern in the filter-mapping element, using the filter-name value to reference. Filters can access the initialization parameters declared in the deployment descriptor at runtime via the FilterConfig interface.

Package: webapplication
Supertype: CompatibilityDescriptionGroup

Classifier ID:  -1
Instance class name:  * Unspecified *
Instance class:  * Unspecified *

Reference attributes having this type:

Collection attributes having this type:

Attributes Summary
name : EString The logical name of the filter. This name is used to map the filter.
initParams : InitParam * @version J2EE1.4 deprecated, becomes initParamValues The init-params contain a name/value pairs as initialization params for the filter
filterClass : JavaClass @ The fully qualified classname of the filter.
initParamValues : ParamValue * @version J2EE1.4 The init-param element contains a name/value pair as an initialization param of a servlet filter

Attribute Details

name  -  The logical name of the filter. This name is used to map the filter.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

initParams  -  @version J2EE1.4 deprecated, becomes initParamValues The init-params contain a name/value pairs as initialization params for the filter
    Reference Type: InitParam *
    Containment:  true
    Container:  false
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  true
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  Unbounded
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

filterClass  -  The fully qualified classname of the filter.
    Reference Type: JavaClass @
    Containment:  false
    Container:  false
    Required:  true
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  1
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

initParamValues  -  @version J2EE1.4 The init-param element contains a name/value pair as an initialization param of a servlet filter
    Reference Type: ParamValue *
    Containment:  true
    Container:  false
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  true
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  Unbounded
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

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