This type is a class for model objects.
This is the Certificate Expiration Monitor class.
Package: ssl
Classifier ID: -1
Instance class name: * Unspecified *
Instance class: * Unspecified *
Reference attributes having this type:
Attributes Summary name : EString The option to auto-replace the expiring self-signed certificate. autoReplace : EBoolean Automatic replace the old Key deleteOld : EBoolean This option to allow deletion of the old certificate and old signers spread out in the TrustStores across the nodes. daysBeforeNotification : EInt Number of days before sendout a notification. For example, if the certificate has 30 days (or 60 days) then the expiration check needs to notify. isEnabled : EBoolean Enable or disable the expiration check. certImplClassToReplaceCert : EString The class implementation that will allow the certificate expiration monitor to replace certificate. wsNotification : WSNotification @ * No description is available * wsSchedule : WSSchedule @ * No description is available *
Attribute Details
name - The option to auto-replace the expiring self-signed certificate.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
autoReplace - Automatic replace the old Key
Data Type: EBoolean
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
deleteOld - This option to allow deletion of the old certificate and old signers spread out in the TrustStores across the nodes.
Data Type: EBoolean
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
daysBeforeNotification - Number of days before sendout a notification. For example, if the certificate has 30 days (or 60 days) then the expiration check needs to notify.
Data Type: EInt
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
isEnabled - Enable or disable the expiration check.
Data Type: EBoolean
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
certImplClassToReplaceCert - The class implementation that will allow the certificate expiration monitor to replace certificate.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
wsNotification - * No description is available *
Reference Type: WSNotification @
Containment: false
Container: false
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
wsSchedule - * No description is available *
Reference Type: WSSchedule @
Containment: false
Container: false
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006