This type is a class for model objects.
This object represents an association between an SSL configuration and target host and port. When an outbound connection is attempted, this association is checked ahead of the SSLConfigGroup association. That means, based upon the target host/port, the outbound SSL configuration used could be different than the default. This is for "dynamic" selection. The association is scoped to the specified management scope. This is due to the SSL configuration only being valid within this scope.
Package: security
Classifier ID: -1
Instance class name: * Unspecified *
Instance class: * Unspecified *
Collection attributes having this type:
Attributes Summary name : EString The name of the DynamicSSLConfigSelection description : EString A String to allow for describing the association. dynamicSelectionInfo : EString A String that represents a host/port in the format host:port. This must be unique for the given scopeName in that you cannot have multiple host:port values that are the same within that scope. This could be extended in the future to support other selection information such as URI, URL, target realm, etc. certificateAlias : EString An alias to a certificate within the KeyStore specified by the sslConfigName. This is not required when client authentication is disabled. sslConfig : SSLConfig @ * No description is available * managementScope : ManagementScope @ * No description is available *
Attribute Details
name - The name of the DynamicSSLConfigSelection
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
description - A String to allow for describing the association.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
dynamicSelectionInfo - A String that represents a host/port in the format host:port. This must be unique for the given scopeName in that you cannot have multiple host:port values that are the same within that scope. This could be extended in the future to support other selection information such as URI, URL, target realm, etc.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
certificateAlias - An alias to a certificate within the KeyStore specified by the sslConfigName. This is not required when client authentication is disabled.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
sslConfig - * No description is available *
Reference Type: SSLConfig @
Containment: false
Container: false
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
managementScope - * No description is available *
Reference Type: ManagementScope @
Containment: false
Container: false
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006