
This type is a class for model objects.

Specifies the JACC (Java Authorization Contract for Containers) provider's implementation details.

Package: security

Classifier ID:  -1
Instance class name:  * Unspecified *
Instance class:  * Unspecified *

Reference attributes having this type:

Collection attributes having this type:

Attributes Summary
j2eePolicyImplClassName : EString Specifies a dot-separated class that represents the property as per the JACC specification. This class represents the provider-specific implementation of the abstract methods. The class file must reside in the class path of each WebSphere Application Server process. This class is used during authorization decisions as per the specification.
policyConfigurationImplClassName : EString @deprecated since 6.0.0 A classname of an implementation class which implements the service provider interface. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
roleAssignmentConfigImplClassName : EString @deprecated since 6.0.0 A classname of an implementation class which implements the service provider interface. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
name : EString A name for this authorization provider.
supportedPermissions : EString Not used. The supportedPermissions attribute is reserved by IBM for a future release. A list of comma separated names listing the permissions that this provider will support. For example: WebResourcePermission, WebUserDataPermission, WebRoleRefPermission, EJBMethodPermission, EJBRoleRefPermission.
policyConfigurationFactoryImplClassName : EString Specifies a dot-separated class that represents the property as per the JACC specification. This class represents the provider-specific implementation of the PolicyConfigurationFactory abstract methods. The class file must reside in the class path of each WebSphere Application Server process. This class is used to propagate the security policy information to the JACC provider during the installation of the J2EE application.
roleConfigurationFactoryImplClassName : EString The class name of an implementation class which implements the interface. Implementation of this class is optional. When implemented, the authorization table information in the binding file will be propagated to the provider during application install. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
initializeJACCProviderClassName : EString The class name of an implementation class which implements the interface. Implementation of this interface is optional. When implemented this class will be called during all the WebSphere processes startup. The Custom Properties that are included for this provider will be passed to the implementation class. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
description : EString The description of the JACC provider.
requiresEJBArgumentsPolicyContextHandler : EBoolean Indicates if the JACC provider requires the EJBArgumentsPolicyContextHandler to make the access decisions. Because of the performance impact to support this handler, unless this attribute is enabled, the EJBArgumentsPolicyContextHandler will not be passed to the provider.
supportsDynamicModuleUpdates : EBoolean Specifies whether the provider can support dynamic changes to Web modules that contain security roles in an existing J2EE application. If the option is enabled when a Web module containing security roles is dynamically added, modified, or both, only the specific Web modules are restarted and their policies propagated to the provider. If the option is disabled, the entire application is restarted and the entire application policy will be propagated to the provider. Typically, this option is enabled for an external JACC provider.
required : EBoolean Not used. The required attribute is reserved by IBM for a future release. When multiple JACC providers support the same permission, this flag will indicate if the access decision requires all the JACC providers to return true to access the resource. If this value is false, the authorization access will return true if one of the JACC providers return true.
properties : Property * * No description is available *

Attribute Details

j2eePolicyImplClassName  -  Specifies a dot-separated class that represents the property as per the JACC specification. This class represents the provider-specific implementation of the abstract methods. The class file must reside in the class path of each WebSphere Application Server process. This class is used during authorization decisions as per the specification.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

policyConfigurationImplClassName  -  @deprecated since 6.0.0 A classname of an implementation class which implements the service provider interface. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

roleAssignmentConfigImplClassName  -  @deprecated since 6.0.0 A classname of an implementation class which implements the service provider interface. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

name  -  A name for this authorization provider.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

supportedPermissions  -  Not used. The supportedPermissions attribute is reserved by IBM for a future release. A list of comma separated names listing the permissions that this provider will support. For example: WebResourcePermission, WebUserDataPermission, WebRoleRefPermission, EJBMethodPermission, EJBRoleRefPermission.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  true
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  Unbounded
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

policyConfigurationFactoryImplClassName  -  Specifies a dot-separated class that represents the property as per the JACC specification. This class represents the provider-specific implementation of the PolicyConfigurationFactory abstract methods. The class file must reside in the class path of each WebSphere Application Server process. This class is used to propagate the security policy information to the JACC provider during the installation of the J2EE application.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

roleConfigurationFactoryImplClassName  -  The class name of an implementation class which implements the interface. Implementation of this class is optional. When implemented, the authorization table information in the binding file will be propagated to the provider during application install. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

initializeJACCProviderClassName  -  The class name of an implementation class which implements the interface. Implementation of this interface is optional. When implemented this class will be called during all the WebSphere processes startup. The Custom Properties that are included for this provider will be passed to the implementation class. This class must reside in a jar on the classpath of each server which will use this provider.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

description  -  The description of the JACC provider.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

requiresEJBArgumentsPolicyContextHandler  -  Indicates if the JACC provider requires the EJBArgumentsPolicyContextHandler to make the access decisions. Because of the performance impact to support this handler, unless this attribute is enabled, the EJBArgumentsPolicyContextHandler will not be passed to the provider.
    Data Type: EBoolean
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  true
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

supportsDynamicModuleUpdates  -  Specifies whether the provider can support dynamic changes to Web modules that contain security roles in an existing J2EE application. If the option is enabled when a Web module containing security roles is dynamically added, modified, or both, only the specific Web modules are restarted and their policies propagated to the provider. If the option is disabled, the entire application is restarted and the entire application policy will be propagated to the provider. Typically, this option is enabled for an external JACC provider.
    Data Type: EBoolean
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  true
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

required  -  Not used. The required attribute is reserved by IBM for a future release. When multiple JACC providers support the same permission, this flag will indicate if the access decision requires all the JACC providers to return true to access the resource. If this value is false, the authorization access will return true if one of the JACC providers return true.
    Data Type: EBoolean
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  true
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

properties  -  * No description is available *
    Reference Type: Property *
    Containment:  true
    Container:  false
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  true
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  Unbounded
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006