
This type is a class for model objects.

This object containing the properties associated with the auditServerProvider implementation.

Package: security

Classifier ID:  -1
Instance class name:  * Unspecified *
Instance class:  * Unspecified *

Reference attributes having this type:

Collection attributes having this type:

Attributes Summary
name : EString A string reference name for the auditServiceProvider object
className : EString This representing the name of the class implementing the audiServiceProvider (Emitter) interface.
eventFormatterClass : EString A String representing the class name of the event formatter implementation.
maxFileSize : EInt An Integer representing the maximum size of the audit logs. This is a MB representation.
maxLogs : EInt An Integer representing the maximum number of audit logs to create before the oldest is rewritten over.
fileLocation : EString A String representing the path where the audit logs are stored.
properties : Property * * No description is available *
auditSpecifications : AuditSpecification * * No description is available *

Attribute Details

name  -  A string reference name for the auditServiceProvider object
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

className  -  This representing the name of the class implementing the audiServiceProvider (Emitter) interface.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

eventFormatterClass  -  A String representing the class name of the event formatter implementation.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

maxFileSize  -  An Integer representing the maximum size of the audit logs. This is a MB representation.
    Data Type: EInt
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

maxLogs  -  An Integer representing the maximum number of audit logs to create before the oldest is rewritten over.
    Data Type: EInt
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

fileLocation  -  A String representing the path where the audit logs are stored.
    Data Type: EString
    Default value:  unspecified
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

properties  -  * No description is available *
    Reference Type: Property *
    Containment:  true
    Container:  false
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  true
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  Unbounded
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

auditSpecifications  -  * No description is available *
    Reference Type: AuditSpecification *
    Containment:  false
    Container:  false
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  true
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  Unbounded
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006