This type is a class for model objects.
The WebSphere Plug-in configuration file can be generated automatically by the proxy server based on the changes in the cell(s) that it is proxying to. This generation policy describes the attributes used in generating the plug-in configuration file for a web server routing to the proxy.
Package: proxy
Classifier ID: -1
Instance class name: * Unspecified *
Instance class: * Unspecified *
Reference attributes having this type:
Attributes Summary pluginGenConfigScope : PluginConfigGenScopeKind The scope within which the plug-in configuration generation is defined to occur. pluginConfigChangeScript : EString The path to a script which is executed after the WebSphere Plug-in configuration is generated. This will allows for post-generation tasks like the distribution of the plug-in configuration file. properties : Property * * No description is available *
Attribute Details
pluginGenConfigScope - The scope within which the plug-in configuration generation is defined to occur.
Data Type: PluginConfigGenScopeKind
Default value: unspecified
Allowed values:
0 - NONE
1 - ALL
2 - CELL
3 - NODE
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
pluginConfigChangeScript - The path to a script which is executed after the WebSphere Plug-in configuration is generated. This will allows for post-generation tasks like the distribution of the plug-in configuration file.
Data Type: EString
Default value: unspecified
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: false
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: 1
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
properties - * No description is available *
Reference Type: Property *
Containment: true
Container: false
Required: false
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: true
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 0
Upper bound: Unbounded
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006