This type is a class for model objects.
@version J2EE1.4 The messageadapterType specifies information about the messaging capabilities of the resource adapter. This contains information specific to the implementation of the resource adapter library as specified through the messagelistener element.
Package: jca
Classifier ID: -1
Instance class name: * Unspecified *
Instance class: * Unspecified *
Reference attributes having this type:
Attributes Summary messageListeners : MessageListener + * No description is available *
Attribute Details
messageListeners - * No description is available *
Reference Type: MessageListener +
Containment: true
Container: false
Required: true
Changeable: true
Unsettable: false
Many: true
Ordered: true
Lower bound: 1
Upper bound: Unbounded
Unique: true
Derived: false
Transient: false
Volatile: false
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996-2006