
This type is a class for model objects.

The session-beanType declares an session bean. The declaration consists of: - an optional description - an optional display name - an optional icon element that contains a small and a large icon file name - a name assigned to the enterprise bean in the deployment description - the names of the session bean's remote home and remote interfaces, if any - the names of the session bean's local home and local interfaces, if any - the name of the session bean's web service endpoint interface, if any - the session bean's implementation class - the session bean's state management type - the session bean's transaction management type - an optional declaration of the bean's environment entries - an optional declaration of the bean's EJB references - an optional declaration of the bean's local EJB references - an optional declaration of the bean's web service references - an optional declaration of the security role references - an optional declaration of the security identity to be used for the execution of the bean's methods - an optional declaration of the bean's resource manager connection factory references - an optional declaration of the bean's resource environment references. - an optional declaration of the bean's message destination references The elements that are optional are "optional" in the sense that they are omitted when if lists represented by them are empty. Either both the local-home and the local elements or both the home and the remote elements must be specified for the session bean. The service-endpoint element may only be specified if the bean is a stateless session bean.

Package: ejb
Supertype: EnterpriseBean

Classifier ID:  -1
Instance class name:  * Unspecified *
Instance class:  * Unspecified *

Attributes Summary
transactionType : TransactionType The transaction-type element specifies an enterprise bean's transaction management type.
sessionType : SessionType * No description is available *
serviceEndpoint : JavaClass @ @version J2EE1.4 The service-endpoint element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise bean's web service endpoint interface. The service-endpoint element may only be specified for a stateless session bean. The specified interface must be a valid JAX-RPC service endpoint interface.

Attribute Details

transactionType  -  The transaction-type element specifies an enterprise bean's transaction management type.
    Data Type: TransactionType
    Default value:  unspecified
    Allowed values:
        0 - Bean
        1 - Container
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  true
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

sessionType  -  * No description is available *
    Data Type: SessionType
    Default value:  unspecified
    Allowed values:
        0 - Stateful
        1 - Stateless
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  true
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

serviceEndpoint  -  @version J2EE1.4 The service-endpoint element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise bean's web service endpoint interface. The service-endpoint element may only be specified for a stateless session bean. The specified interface must be a valid JAX-RPC service endpoint interface.
    Reference Type: JavaClass @
    Containment:  false
    Container:  false
    Required:  false
    Changeable:  true
    Unsettable:  false
    Many:  false
    Ordered:  true
    Lower bound:  0
    Upper bound:  1
    Unique:  true
    Derived:  false
    Transient:  false
    Volatile:  false

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