My tasks



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Use My tasks to create and edit a list of tasks to view in the console navigation. A task includes a page that contains one or more Web apps, or console modules, that are used to complete that task. When you first access the console, all tasks to which we have access are displayed in the navigation. My tasks is especially useful to customize the navigation to show only the tasks you use most often. After you customize the tasks, My Tasks is initially displayed each time you log in to the console.

Follow these general steps to customize the task list in the navigation.

  1. Select My tasks from the View selection list in the navigation. If we have never used My tasks before, click Add tasks to open it.

  2. Use the checkboxes to select and deselect tasks from the My tasks navigation.

  3. To save the changes, click Apply.

  4. To cancel the changes, click Reset.

After applying the selections, the customized task list is displayed in the navigation.

Use the following buttons to customize the task selections.


Save the current selections.


Backtrack all changes to the selections that were set since the last time My tasks was applied. This is useful if we need to cancel the changes.

Select All

Check every task.

Deselect All

Uncheck every task.

Expand All

Expand each node in the display and reveals all subtasks in the navigation.

Collapse All

Collapse each node in the display so that only the top level nodes are displayed.