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Modify Web services to use the IBM Web Service SOAP provider

The current WSIF default SOAP provider (the IBM Web Service SOAP provider) is designed to interoperate fully with a JAX-RPC compliant Web service, and therefore the current default provider does not fully interoperate with services that are running on the former (Apache SOAP) provider. To get the existing services working again, we can either modify the Web services to use the current IBM Web Service SOAP provider as described in this topic, or we can change the WSIF default provider back to Apache SOAP.

To modify an existing Web service, use the assembly tool to complete the following steps and thereby generate new deployment artifacts for access to the service from the IBM Web Service provider:


  1. Import into the Workspace the project that contains the existing Web services.

  2. For every existing SOAP service in the project, repeat the following steps :

    1. From the pop-up menu for my_service.wsdl, select Generate Deploy Code.

    2. In the Generate Deploy Code window, change the Inbound Binding Type from SOAP to IBM Web Service.

    3. Click Finish.

  3. Export the EAR file that contains all of the deployment artifacts for the IBM Web Service Web service.


Related tasks

Change the default WSIF SOAP provider
WSIF SOAP provider: working with existing applications