Modify DataPower appliance settings
Use the admin console to modify the shared appliance settings for an appliance.
Verify that the DataPower appliance manager is managing this appliance. We cannot use the admin console to change the sharable appliance settings for an appliance that has not been added to the DataPower appliance manager.
Complete one or more of the following actions to make modifications to the settings for an appliance.
- From the admin console, click...
Servers | DataPower | Appliances | appliance_name
- Specify a different IP address or fully qualified host name in the Host name field.
- Specify a different XML management interface port for the DataPower appliance to use in the Administrative port field.
Avoid trouble: Remember that the XML management interface port, which defaults to port number 5550, is different from the Web Management Service port, which defaults to port number 9090. The DataPower appliance manager uses the XML management interface port to manage the DataPower appliances. You use the Web Management Service port to access the WebGUI on the DataPower appliance. Use the same user ID and password to access both the XML management interface and the WebGUI. gotcha
- Specify a different user ID in the User ID field.
- Specify a new password to associated with the user ID in the and Verify password fields.
- Select an appliance type from the list of appliance types in the Appliance type field.
- In the Domains section, expand Managed Domains, or Unmanaged Domains to view a list of managed and unmanaged domains that are associated with this appliance.
To change one or more managed domains to unmanaged domains, click...
Servers | DataPower | Managed sets | managedset_name | domain(s) | Unmanage
Similarly, to change one or more unmanaged domains to managed domains, select the domains to change, and then click Manage.
Clicking either Manage or Unanage , creates an appliance manager task. To know when this task completes, we can click...
Servers | DataPower | Tasks check the status of this task.
- Click OK to save a copy of the changed settings as a new settings version.
Related concepts
WebSphere DataPower appliance manager overview
Related tasks
Remove a DataPower appliance
Add DataPower appliances to the DataPower appliance manager
Appliance collection
New appliance settings
Appliance settings