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Migrate with TAM for authentication enabled on a single node

When TAM security is configured for the existing environment and security is enabled for a single node, we can migrate to WAS, V7.0. Your profiles must be migrated using the migration tools to migrate product configurations.

Do not restart the WAS V7.0 server until after performing the following procedure. The migration tools omit some files that enable the server to start correctly.

After migrating the profiles additional steps are required when TAM security is configured.


  1. Copy the following files from the existing directory to the same directory for V7.0.


  2. Edit the PD.properties file, and change the following settings:

    appsvr-plcysvrs=null\:0:\:1 config_type=standalone
    Make the appropriate changes to point to your TAM Policy Server...

    appsvr-plcysvrs=pdmgrd.test.gc.au.ibm.com\:7135\:1 config_type=full

  3. Edit the PdPerm.properties file, and change all path names to the correct path name. Change the following configuration settings:

    pdvar-home=C\:\\Program Files\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\java\\jre\\PolicyDirector baseGroup.PDJv1dugong-v2dugongMessageFileHandler.fileName=C\:\\Program Files\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\java\\jre\\PolicyDirector\\log/msg__v1dugong-v2dugong.log
     baseGroup.PDJv1dugong-v2dugongTraceFileHandler.fileName=C\:\\Program Files\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\java\\jre\\PolicyDirector\\log/trace__v1dugong-v2dugong.log
     pd-home=C\:\\Program Files\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\java\\jre\\PolicyDirector
     java-home=C\:\\Program Files\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\java\\jre


Next steps

Also see the migration information with TAM for authentication that is enabled on multiple nodes with security enabled.


Related tasks

Migrate with TAM for authentication enabled on multiple nodes
Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating – Security considerations