Manually uninstalling Web server plug-ins for WAS
We can uninstall Web server plug-ins for WAS manually, instead of using the uninstaller program.
Try uninstalling Web server plug-ins for WAS using the uninstaller program. Use this manual procedure if the uninstaller is not available for some reason.
To manually uninstall the Web server plug-ins, delete the installation root directory for the Web server plug-ins for WAS. Deleting the directory removes the binary plug-ins.
- Delete the installation root directory for Web server plug-ins for WAS.
- Delete the Web server definition in the appserver configuration. We can delete a Web server definition from the admin console OR by using the following wsadmin commands:
$AdminTask deleteServer { -serverName webserver1 -nodeName WebserverHostName-node_node } $AdminTask removeUnmanagedNode { -nodeName WebserverHostName-node_node } $AdminConfig save- Manually delete GSKit.
Use the following procedure to verify that no other products are registered in GSKit before running the isuninst command.
- Click Start > Run and run the regedit command to edit the registry.
- Change directories to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\GSKx\CurrentVersion\REGAPP, where x is the version of GSKit, such as GSK7.
- Look for other products that are registered within GSKit.
Look for entries other than the default entry and for products other than IBM HTTP Server and Web Server plug-ins for WAS. If the following entries are the only ones present, we can delete GSKit.
- (Default)
- IHS60
- Run the following command to invoke the GSKit Uninstaller program:
isuninst -f"gskit_root\gsk7BUI.isu"This command removes GSKit, regardless of whether or not other applications are registered as using GSKit.
- Reconfigure any Web servers that were configured to use the binary plug-ins that you deleted.
- Delete the following registry keys using the platform-specific steps described in the "Uninstalling manually" topic.
Table 1. Registry keys to delete
Operating system Registry keys AIX, Linux, and Windows WSPAA70, WSPAA70DefineglobalconstantsComponent, WSPAA70DefinelocalvariablesComponent, WSPAA70LicensingComponent, WSPAA70Webserverplugins, WSPAA70WebserverpluginsComponent, WSPAA70AddBytes, WSPAA70gskit, WSPAA70gskitComponent HP-UX WSPAA70, WSPAA70DGCC, WSPAA70DLVC, WSPAA70LC, WSPAA70WSPC, WSPAA70AddBytesHS, WSPAA70gskitHP, WSPAA70gskitHPC, WSPAA70jdkHP Solaris WSPAA70, WSPAA70AC, WSPAA70BC, WSPAA70CC, WSPAA70DC, WSPAA70FC, WSPAA70FB, WSPAA70GC, WSPAA70HC
Delete the installation root directory for the Web server plug-ins for WAS removes the binary plug-ins. Any Web servers that are configured to use the deleted binary modules do not work.
Next steps
After uninstalling the Web server plug-ins for WAS, we can reinstall the plug-ins. Reinstalling the Web server plug-ins for WAS and reconfiguring the Web servers restores their functionality.See Install Web server plug-ins for information about other installation scenarios for reinstalling Web server plug-ins.