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Managed set settings

To view the general properties for the managed set, and a list of the appliances that are part of this managed set. We can also use this page to view lists of the shareable appliance settings versions, and managed and unmanaged domains that can be used with this managed set.

To view this admin console page ...

Servers > DataPower > Managed sets > managedset_name.

In addition to specifying values for a managed set, we can use the following buttons to edit appliance membership, synchronize appliances or access the DataPower WebGUI to configure an appliance.

Button Resulting action
Edit Membership Accesses a list of DataPower appliances that are members of the managed set. Use this list to add appliances, remove appliances, or mark an appliance as the master appliance.
Synchronization Forces a synchronization of the appliances in the managed set. The appliance manager attempts to maintain the synchronization automatically, but this option allows you to request that a synchronization be performed.

Avoid trouble: We can also use the Launch button that is located in the Unmanaged domains section to launch the DataPower WebGUI in the default domain on the master appliance. The Launch button that is located in the Managed domains section provides a similar function. However, if we click that button, the DataPower WebGUI is launched in the managed domain on the master appliance instead of in the default domain.

Launches the DataPower WebGUI in the default domain on the master appliance in the managed set using the credentials defined in the DataPower appliance manager. Whenever you modify shareable appliance settings or a managed domain on the master appliance, the changes are distributed to every appliance in the managed set. Verify that pop-ups are enabled on the browser before you launch the DataPower WebGUI.

In the Firmware section, click Change firmware to change the firmware for the managed set. The firmware must have the same appliance type, model type and licensed features as the appliances in the managed set.

In the Settings section, click Vhistory to view the versions of shareable appliance settings that are available for this managed set

In the Appliance section, click Appliance to display a table of all of the appliances that are assigned to the managed set.


User-defined symbolic name for a managed set. This field is read-only

Firmware version

Firmware version that is to be synchronized to all of the appliances in the managed set.

If we have a single appliance managed set, and if there is not a firmware version in the DataPower appliance manager that matches the firmware used by the master appliance for that managed set, this field might be blank. In this situation, we can either add a firmware to the DataPower appliance manager that has the same version number, appliance type, model type and compatible licensed features as the single appliance in the managed set, or we can click Change firmware in the Firmware section, and select a firmware version for the managed set. This new firmware automatically becomes the firmware for the single appliance in this managed set, and must have the same appliance type, model type and licensed features as that appliance.

Operational status

Aggregated operational status of all the managed domains on all of the appliances in the managed set.

The status is unknown if the managed set does not have any managed domains. If the managed set has managed domains, the status reflects the aggregated operational status of all of the managed domains on all of the appliances in this managed set.

This field is read-only.

The following values might appear in this field:


Indicates that all of the service objects in all the managed domains on all of the appliances in the managed set are enabled.


Indicates that the service objects in all the managed domains on all of the appliances in the managed set are a mix of enabled, disabled and unknown.


Indicates that all of the service objects in all the managed domains on all of the appliances in the managed set are disabled.


Indicates that the state of all of the managed domains on all of the appliances in the managed set cannot be determined. This status might mean that the state has not yet been retrieved, or communication to the appliance has been lost. A managed set that does not have any managed domains always has a status of unknown.

Synchronization status

Whether the designated firmware version, sharable appliance settings, and managed domain versions for the managed set are synchronized across all of the appliances in the managed set. This synchronization status combines the firmware synchronization status, the settings synchronization status, and the synchronization status of all the managed domains on all the appliances of the managed set.

This field is read-only.

The following values might appear in this field:


Indicates that the managed set is synchronized.

changes pending

Indicates that the synchronization is queued. The appliance has at least one firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization queued.

in progress

Indicates that the synchronization is currently being processed. At least one appliance in the managed set has a firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization in progress. Other firmware synchronizations, settings synchronizations, or managed domain synchronizations might also be pending for appliances in the managed set.


Indicates that the synchronization status is not known. At least one appliance in the managed set has a firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization for which the synchronization state is unknown. Typically, this means that the appliance manager has not yet contacted the appliance to get the management status. Firmware synchronizations, settings synchronizations, or managed domain synchronizations might also be pending or in progress for appliances in the managed set.


Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the managed set has failed because of an error on an appliance in the managed set. The appliance did respond, but responded with an error. Appliances in the managed set might also have a management status of unknown, in progress or changes pending for a firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization.

See the error log for the dmgr for more information.


Indicates that the appliance is unreachable. An attempt to synchronize the managed set has failed because an appliance is not responding. Appliances in the managed set might also have a management status of unknown, in progress, changes pending or error for a firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.

Managed domains

List of managed domains. Use this list to change a managed domain to an unmanaged domain.

The managed domains of a master appliance are copied to all appliances in the managed set. Expand this section to view a list of the managed domains. We can then select one or more managed domain, and click Unmanage to turn the selected domains into unmanaged domains. When a managed domain becomes an unmanaged domain, it displays in the Unmanaged domains table instead of in the Managed domains table.

f we need to modify a managed domain on the master appliance, select that managed domain, and then click Launch to launch the DataPower WebGUI on the selected managed domain on the master appliance in the managed set. A new domain version is automatically created whenever you save changes in the managed domain on the master appliance. This new version becomes the current version and the changes are synchronized across the managed set.

Unmanaged domains on the master appliance

List of unmanaged domains. Use this list to manage these unmanaged domain.

The managed domains of a master appliance are copied to all appliances in the managed set. By default, domains are not managed. Unmanaged domains are not copied to subordinate appliances in the managed set.

Expand this section to view a list of the unmanaged domains. We can then select one or more unmanaged domain and click Manage to turn the selected domains into managed domains. When a unmanaged domain becomes a managed domain, it displays in the Managed domains table instead of in the Unmanaged domains table.

To modify the configuration of the master DataPower appliance that is contains in an unmanaged domain, select that domain, and then click Launch to launch the DataPower WebGUI on the default domain of the master appliance in the managed set. We can then navigate to the unmanaged domain in the DataPower WebGUI. Clicking this Launch button is equivalent to clicking the Launch button at the top of this admin console page.


Related tasks

Add DataPower appliances to the DataPower appliance manager
Add a new managed set