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Job status collection

To display information about submitted jobs, including the job ID, description, state, activation time, expiration time, and status summary. Jobs are submitted to administer nodes that have been registered with the job manager.

Deployment manager nodes and unfederated appserver nodes that have been registered with an administrative agent are eligible to be registered with the job manager. The job manager can administer the entire deployment manager cell, not just the dmgr.

To view this admin console page, do either of the following:

To suspend a started job, resume a suspended job, or delete selected jobs, the ID must be authorized for the operator role.

Use one of the following buttons to suspend, resume, or delete a job.

Table 1. Button descriptions

Button Description
Suspend An administrative agent or deployment manager can no longer retrieve the job.
Resume An administrative agent or a deployment manager can retrieve the job.
Delete A job and all its history are removed and no longer available. When you click Delete, we are given an opportunity to confirm or cancel the delete operation.


When you click Jobs > Status, we can use the Find option to limit the submitted jobs to display. The Find results are displayed in the table that follows the Find and Preference options after you click Find. Clicking Reset clears the operators in column 2 and text in column 3.

Table 2. Find results

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Except for the maximum results parameter, this column lists parameters that define a job.

  • Job ID, state, node name, group of nodes, and description parameters: Valid operators for the find operation are = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null.

  • Activation time and the expiration time parameters: Valid operators are >=, and <=.

  • All parameters except maximum results: String or partial string of a parameter. A partial string is designated using an asterisk (*).

    For example, setting the description to inventory* finds all jobs with a description that starts with inventory. We cannot use the asterisk in the job ID field or the fields related to time. We can search on an exact match for multiple items by including the items to match separated by commas. For example, we can search on two job IDs by entering 119489625729609463, 119489651801509472. When you search on more than one item, we cannot use the asterisk.

  • Maximum results: Number of records that the find operation displays. Enter a value between one and the maximum number of records that can be retrieved as defined in the job manager configuration.

Example: If the nodes are EastCoast1, EastCoast2, WestCoast1, and WestCoast2, we can enter East or East* for column 3 and = for column 2 of the node parameter. Job status is displayed for the jobs that include the EastCoast1 and EastCoast2 nodes.

Job ID

Specifies the job number of the job that you submitted.


Description that you entered when you submitted the job.


Whether the state of the job is Active, Pending, Expired, or Suspended.

Table 3. Job state descriptions

State Description
Active The job is activated and not expired. The job does not have to be running to be active.
Pending The job has been submitted, but has not been activated.
Expired The expiration time specified during job submission was reached before the job was started. A job does not start on a node after the expiration time is reached. If the expiration time is reached while the job is running on any of its nodes, the job continues on those nodes.
Suspended The job has been suspended. If the suspension occurs while the job is running on a node, the job continues on that node. If the suspended job has not started when the suspension occurs, the job will not start on any of its nodes unless someone resumes the job. We can suspend a job from this console panel by clicking Suspend. We can resume a job from this console panel by clicking Resume.

Activation time

Activation time that you entered when you submitted the job or the actual time when the job was submitted if we did not specify an activation time.

The activation time is the time the job is available to run on the targeted nodes or groups of nodes.

Expiration time

Time the job is to expire. If the job has not started by the expiration time, the job will not start and the state will change to Expired. If the expiration time occurs while the job is running on a node, the job continues on that node.

When you submit the job, we can set the expiration date and time, choose the default expiration time option, or specify the amount of time until the job expires.

Status summary

Graphically provides an overview of how the job is running at its nodes. The graph is divided in up to four sections, indicating success, partial success, failure, or other, in that order, of the nodes in the job.

Table 4. Job status descriptions

Status Description
Success Number of nodes on which the job completed successfully.
Partial success Number of nodes on which the job partially completed. Partial success can occur, for example, when a node represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the node complete successfully.
Failed Number of nodes on which the job failed to complete.
Other Number of nodes on which the job has some other status than success, partial success, or failure. A status of other can include nodes on which the job is currently running, or nodes on which the job has not started.


Job status detail settings
Job status history settings


Related tasks

Administer nodes using the job manager
Set dmgrs


Related information

Administrative console buttons