Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) provider for UDDI
The Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) is a Java client API for accessing both UDDI (Version 2 only) and ebXML registries. It is part of the Java EE specification.
The JAXR API comprises the Java EE packages javax.xml.registry and javax.xml.registry.infomodel. There is Java EE API documentation at Web Services Reference.
The preferred UDDI Java client APIs are:
- UDDI4J V2, for UDDI V2
- UDDI V3 Client for Java , for UDDI V3
JAXR provider
The current JAXR spec (Version 1.0) defines a JAXR provider as an implementation of the JAXR API. Generally, a JAXR provider can be a JAXR provider for UDDI, a JAXR provider for ebXML, or a pluggable provider that supports both UDDI and ebXML. The JAXR provider for UDDI is a provider for UDDI only.
UDDI versions
A JAXR provider for UDDI accesses a UDDI registry using the UDDI V2 SOAP APIs only. The UDDI registry for UDDI V3 in this version of WAS supports the UDDI V1, 2 and 3 SOAP APIs. Therefore we can use the JAXR provider for UDDI to access this registry. We can also use the JAXR provider to access the UDDI registry for UDDI V2 in WAS V 5.x.
To work with the UDDI V3 SOAP APIs, use the UDDI V 3 Client for Java ; we cannot use JAXR.
Capability level
The JAXR spec defines two capability profiles, capability level 0 and capability level 1. The JAXR API documentation categorizes each JAXR method as either level 0 or level 1. Generally, a JAXR provider for UDDI has capability level 0 and supports all level 0 methods, while A JAXR provider for ebXML has capability level 1 and supports all level 0 and level 1 methods. The JAXR provider for UDDI is a capability level 0 provider, and supports only level 0 methods.
JAXR for UDDI - getting started and further information
Related tasks
Use the UDDI registry