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Manually uninstalling IHS

Uninstall IHS by running the operating system's uninstaller program and performing some manual steps to remove log files and registry entries. Such registry entries can prevent you from reinstalling the product into the original If we are not planning to reinstall, you do not have to uninstall manually.

Determine the installation root for the product so that you remove the correct product and produce a clean system. Before you start the uninstall procedure, save any files you have modified under HTTPServer_root, HTTPServer_root/conf, or HTTPServer_root/bin directories, including: httpd.conf, admin.conf, any other configuration files, script files, password files, or Web documents that you might have created.

Use the installRegistryUtils command to examine the installation locations for all installed IHS products. Perform the following procedure to produce a clean system.

  1. Log on as the same user ID that installed the product.

  2. Make sure that the instances of IHS and IHS administration server being removed are stopped.

    The uninstall wizard will not warn you if a IHS is in use. If we uninstall a running server, manually stop the IHS processes and remove any remaining files.

    Windows: Use the kill command to stop the httpd processes using task manager.

    AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: Use the kill command to kill -TERM for each httpd process.

  3. Issue the uninstall command. If we have already run the uninstaller program or if we cannot run the uninstaller program, skip this step. AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris:


    The Uninstaller wizard begins and displays the Welcome panel. Continue with the uninstall process until it is finished.

  4. IMPORTANT: If we installed IHS as root or administrator, the following steps clean up the registries when an uninstall request fails. If the uninstall process completes successfully, you do not need to manually perform these steps. AIX:

    1. List IBM HTTP Server components that are installed. enter the following command to search for related packages:

      lslpp -l| grep -i IHS
      Package names for IBM HTTP Server are: WSIHS70 and WSIHS70LicensingComponent.To remove a package, issue the following command:

      geninstall -u packagename
      Do not remove packages for IHS products that you are not uninstalling.

    2. Change directories to the /usr/IBM directory, or the equivalent top of your install.

    3. Enter the following command to delete the IHS directory:

      rm -rf HTTPServer

    4. Use the installRegistryUtils command to examine the installation locations for all installed IHS products and remove the products from the install registry that you want to uninstall.

    5. Edit the vpd.properties file. This file is located in the root or in the /usr/lib/objrepos

      Do not delete or rename the vpd.properties file because the InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP) program uses it for other products that it installs. If the IHS product that you are uninstalling is the only product with entries in the vpd.properties file, you can delete this file.


    1. Use HP-UX System Administration Manager (SAM) to remove packages.

      1. Start the SAM utility with the /usr/sbin/sam command

      2. Verify that your DISPLAY and TERM environment variables are set properly

      3. Click Software management

      4. Click View installed software

      5. Search for IBM HTTP Server entries in the SD list

      6. Close the SD list

      7. Click Remove local host software

      8. Click any of the following instances that display in the SD Remove List: - IBM HTTP Server

      9. Click Actions > Mark for remove

      10. Click Actions > Remove

      11. Click OK in the Remove analysis dialog box

      12. Click Logs to display real-time removal of selected packages

      13. Click Done when all packages are removed

      14. Exit SAM

      15. Search for the packages to verify their removal

    2. Enter the following command to display the IHS package:

      swlist | grep IHS 
      The package name for IHS is: WSIHS70.

    3. Enter the following command to remove IHS directories in the HTTPServer_rootdirectory:

      rm -rf HTTPServer_root

    4. Use the installRegistryUtils command to examine the installation locations for all the installed IHS products and remove the products from the install registry that you want to uninstall.

    1. Search for IBM HTTP Server related packages. Do not remove packages for IHS products that you are not uninstalling.

      Refer to the "Operating system registry keys" topic in the Information center for more information on the package names.

    2. If there are packages to delete, enter the following command to remove any packages for the product that you are uninstalling.

      rpm -e packagename
      Alternatively, you can enter the following command that will list all the IHS packages and then verify that everything in the list is something you want to delete:

      rpm -qa | grep IHS

      If there is a problem with package dependencies, you can use the following command to remove the packages:

      rpm -e packagename --nodeps --justdb
      The nodeps option skips the dependency check. The justdb option updates only the package database, and not the file system. Using only the nodeps option can cause a failure in package removal if there is any mismatch in the dependent file system (files and directories).

    3. enter the following command to remove IHS directories in the HTTPServer_root directory:

      rm -rf HTTPServer_root

    4. Edit the vpd.properties file. Do not delete or rename the vpd.properties file because the InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP) program uses it for other products that it installs. If the IHS product that you are uninstalling is the only product with entries in the vpd.properties file, you can delete this file.

    5. Use the installRegistryUtils command to examine the installation locations for all installed IHS products and remove the products from the install registry that you want to uninstall.

    1. Search for IBM HTTP Server related packages. enter the following command to list all the packages for the IBM HTTP Server products:

      pkginfo | grep IHS
      If no packages appear when using these commands, skip the next step. The resulting list of packages has the following format:

      • application WSIHS70

      • IBM HTTP Server

    2. Change directories to the where package information is registered:

      cd /var/sadm/pkg

    3. Issue the following command to remove any IHS related packages, for example:

      pkgrm packagename1 packagename2 ...

      Do not remove packages for IHS products that you are not uninstalling.

      Issue the following commands from the /var/sadm/pkg to search for and remove any IHS product related packages that are registered in the /var/sadm/pkgChange directories to the correct for IHS products:

      cd /var/sadm/pkg
      ls |grep IHS|xargs -i pkgrm -n {}
      The package names for IBM HTTP Server are: WSIHS70 and WSIHS70LI. If there is a problem removing the packages, remove the related package directories in the /var/sadm/pkg directory, including the preremove files. For example, remove the following file before issuing the pkgrm -n WSIHS70 command:


    4. To remove IBM HTTP Server directories in the HTTPServer_root directory, enter the following command:

       rm -rf HTTPServer_root

    5. Use the installRegistryUtils command to examine the installation locations for all installed IHS products and remove the products from the install registry that you want to uninstall.

    1. Log on with Adminstrator privilege to complete the steps for updating the registry.

    2. Verify that you have an Emergency Recovery Disk. Instructions for creating this disk are in the Windows help documentation. This step is a safeguard. This procedure does not require the recovery disk.

    3. Use the regback.exe program from the Windows Resource Kit to back up the registry. This step is a safeguard. This procedure does not require the backup copy of the registry.

    4. Delete product registry entries for the IHS product that you are uninstalling.

      Edit the Windows system registry by entering the theregedit.exe command from a command prompt. CAUTION:Edit the Registry carefully. You can easily make a mistake while using the registry editor to view and edit registry contents. The editor does not warn you of editing errors, which can be extremely dangerous. A corrupt registry can disrupt your system to the point where your only option is to reinstall the Windows operating system.

      1. Press Ctrl-F to search for all instances of HTTP Server to determine whether you should delete each entry. You might not be able to remove all of the entries related to IHS, which is not a problem.

      2. Expand and select keys related to IHS products and IHS Window Services listed below:


        Depending on how you installed the product, the following registry keys that are previously listed are only optionally included: HKLM\...IBMHTTPServer7.0 and HKLM\...IBMHTTPAdministration7.0

        Refer to the topic "Operating system registry keys" in the Information center for a list of Windows registry keys to search for and delete.

      3. Click Edit > Delete from the menu bar for each related key.

      4. Click Yes when asked to confirm deletion of the key.

      5. Click Registry > Exit from the menu bar when you are finished.

    5. Delete the installation root for the product that you are uninstalling.

    6. Open a Windows Explorer window and browse to the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs If we have an installation of a IHS product, delete the following folder: IHS V7.0.

    7. Delete the %WINDIR%\IsUninst.exe file.

    8. Edit the vpd.properties file. The file is located in the installation of the operating system, such as the C:\WINNT or the C:\windows Do not delete or rename the vpd.properties file because the InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP) program uses it for other products that it installs. If the IHS product that you are uninstalling is the only product with entries in the vpd.properties file, you can delete this file.

    9. Use the installRegistryUtils command to examine the installation locations for all installed IHS products and remove the products from the install registry that you want to uninstall.

    10. Restart your machine.

This procedure results in removing IHS from your system. There will be no trace of the previously deleted installation. You can reinstall IBM HTTP Server into the same directories after manually uninstalling the product.


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Uninstalling IHS