Install IHS
Use the launchpad to install IHS.
Before you can successfully install IHS, ensure that your environment meets the prerequisites for the application server. For more information, see the Preparing the operating system for product installation topic.
AIX: Verify the /usr partition contains at least 100 MB of free space when installing to an alternate location. The installation fails if sufficient disk space is not available to store the installation data in the /usr partition.
Set the umask value to
022. To verify that the umask value is set to022, run the umask command.
- Prepare your operating platform for installing IBM HTTP Server as you would for installing any of the installable components on the product disc. Read the "Preparing the operating system for product installation" article that is specific for your WAS product.
- Insert the product disc and mount the disc if necessary.
AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: See Mounting CD-ROMS on AIX, HP-UX, Linux and Solaris systems for information about mounting the product disc.
- Start the installation with the launchpad command:
You can also start the installation from the IHS directory, where IHS is the installable component on the product disc. Launch the following command from the product disc:
- AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: launchpad.sh
- Windows: launchpad.bat
- AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: ./install
- Windows: install.exe
When using the launchpad, launch the Installation wizard for IBM HTTP Server. Read the "Using the launchpad to start the installation" article that is specific for your WAS product.
After launching the Installation wizard from the launchpad or from the command line, the ISMP wizard initializes and then displays the Welcome panel.
- Click Next to display the License agreement panel.
- Accept the license agreement and click Next to display the operating system prerequisites check panel.
- Click Next to display the installation root panel.
- Specify the root information and click Next to display the port specification panel. Use the port-specification panel to modify the ports for IHS and the IBM HTTP Server administration server. The default port values are 80 for IBM HTTP Server and 8008 for the IBM HTTP administration module. Specify unique port values if the default ports are already in use by another application. Tip: Issue netstat -an from the command prompt to display a list of active ports.
- Windows: Click Next to display the Windows Service Definition panel. You have the option to create a Windows service for IHS and the IBM HTTP Server administration server on this panel. You can configure the services to run as Local System account or a user ID that you specify. The user ID requires the following advanced user rights:
- Act as part of the operating system and Log on as a service.
- If we are planning to administer IBM HTTP Server using the WAS administrative console, select Run IHS Administration as a Windows Service with Log on as Local System account. A user name and password is not required for this selection.
- If we will not administer IBM HTTP Server using the WAS administrative console, select Run IHS Administration Server as a Windows Service with Log on as a specified user account. Specify your user ID and password information.
- Click Next to display the IBM HTTP Server Administration Server Authentication panel. If selected, this panel creates a user ID and password to authenticate to the IBM HTTP Server administration server using the WAS admin console. This user ID and password can optionally be created after installation using the htpasswd utility.
- AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: Click Next to display the IHS Administration Server setup panel.
This panel collects information to enable the installation to grant a user ID write access to the necessary IBM HTTP Server and plug-in configuration files. The IBM HTTP Server administration server runs as the specified user ID.
- Click Next to display the IBM HTTP Server Plug-in for Websphere Application Server panel. This panel collects information to install the Websphere Application Server Plug-in into a that is relative to the IBM HTTP Server installation location, using the remote setup type.
If the plugin does not exist at the same level as the IHS directory, the panel for selecting the plug-ins installer does not display. In that case, launch the plug-ins installer from the launchpad or launch the following command from the plugin directory:
- AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: ./install
- Windows: install.exe
- Click Next to review the confirmation panel to verify your selections. Click Back to change any of your specifications.
- Click Next to begin installing IBM HTTP Server.
If the installation is successful, the IBM HTTP Server product is installed and the log file is located in the /logs/install/ However, if the product installation fails, see the log.txt file in either the /logs/install/ or the $USER/ihslogs/
What to do next
Set up IHS administration authentication, using the htpasswd utility.
You can get started using SSL connections by making only a few configuration changes, as described in Securing with SSL communications.
AIX: Windows: You can configure the Fast Response Cache Accelerator to boost performance.
You can also make other configuration changes with Apache directives.
Running multiple instances of IHS from a single install
Mounting CD-ROMS on AIX, HP-UX, Linux and Solaris systems
Install IHS with a non-administrator user ID
Windows: Creating multiple instances of IHS on Windows operating systems
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