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Run the setupadm script for the administration server

When using the IHS administration server, the setupadm script establishes permissions for configuration file updates.

You must run the setupadm command if we are installing IHS as a non-root user. The setupadm command is run in the <IHS_HOME>/bin so that you can properly use the administrative server with the WebSphere Application Server. The format for the command is as follows (on one line):

setupadm -usr <userName> -grp <groupName> -cfg <IHS Web server configuration file> -adm 
<IHS admistrative server configuration file> -plg <plug-in configuration file>

When using the administration server, you cannot update the configuration files after a default server installation, unless you run the setupadm script, or you set permissions manually.

The setupadm script prompts you for the following input:


What to do next

The administration server requires read and write access to configuration files and authentication files to perform Web server configuration data administration. In addition to the Web server files, change the permissions to the targeted plug-in configuration files. See Setting permissions manually for instructions.

The administration server has to invoke apachectl restart as root to perform successful restarts of the IBM HTTP Server.