Apache modules (containing directives) supported by IHS
Module Description core Core Apache HTTP Server features Windows: mpm_winnt
Multi-processing module (MPM) AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: z/OS: worker
MPM mod_actions Provides for executing CGI scripts, based on media type or request method. mod_alias Provides for mapping different parts of the host file system in the document tree and for URL redirection. mod_asis Sends files that contain their own HTTP headers. mod_auth_basic Basic authentication mod_authn_anon Allows anonymous user access to authenticated areas. mod_authn_dbm User authentication using DBM files. mod_authn_default Authentication fallback module mod_authn_file User authentication using text files mod_authnz_ldap Allows an LDAP to be used to store the database for HTTP basic authentication. mod_authz_dbm Group authorization using DBM files. mod_authz_default Authorization fallback module mod_authz_groupfile Group authorization using text files mod_authz_host Group authorizations based on host, such as host name or IP address mod_authz_user User authorization mod_autoindex Generates indexes automatically. This is similar to ls command on the UNIX platform or the Win32 dir shell command. mod_cache Content cache keyed to URIs Windows: z/OS: mod_cgi
Execution of CGI scripts AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: mod_cgid
Execution of CGI scripts using an external CGI daemon. z/OS: mod_charset_lite
Specifies character set translation or recoding. Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) functionality.z/OS: Tip: Although mod_dav and mod_dav_fs are not supported, IHS and the WebSphere plug-in can pass through WebDAV requests to WebSphere. File system provider for mod_dav. mod_deflate Compress content before it is delivered to the client. mod_dir Provides for "trailing slash" redirects and serving index files. mod_disk_cache Implements a disk based storage manager. It is primarily of use in conjunction mod_cache. mod_env Modifies the environment which is passed to CGI scripts and SSI pages. mod_expires Generation of Expires and Cache Control HTTP headers according to user-specified criteria. Pass the response body through an external program before delivery to the client. Caches a static list of files in memory. This module is provided with this release for compatibility with previous releases. Begin using mod_mem_cache or mod_cache to ensure compatibility with future releases of IHS. Tip: The recommended caching mechanism for file handling is the CacheEnable feature of the mod_cache module. Context-sensitive smart filter configuration module. mod_headers Customization of HTTP request and response headers. mod_imagemap Server-side image map processing. mod_include Server-parsed HTML documents (Server Side Includes). mod_info Provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration. mod_ldap Provides LDAP connection pooling and result caching services for use by other LDAP modules. mod_log_config Logging of the requests made to the server. mod_logio Logging of input and output bytes per request. mod_mem_cache Content cache keyed to URIs. mod_mime Associates the requested file extensions with the behavior of the file (handlers and filters), and content (mime-type, language, character set and encoding). Determines the MIME type of a file by looking at a few bytes of its contents. This module is provided with this release of IHS for compatibility with previous releases, but will not be supported in a future release. No replacement will be provided for this module. Using mod_mime_magic can decrease performance because the file must be read and compared to a set of patterns to determine the content- type.
mod_negotiation Provides for content negotiation. mod_proxy HTTP, 1.1 proxy, and gateway server mod_proxy_connect Specifies the mod_proxy module extension for CONNECT request handling. Provides FTP support for the mod_proxy module. This module is provided with this release of IHS for compatibility with previous releases, but will not be supported in a future release. No replacement will be provided for this module. mod_proxy_http Provides HTTP support for the mod_proxy module. mod_rewrite Provides a rule-based rewriting engine to rewrite requested URLs. mod_setenvif Enables the setting of environment variables based on characteristics of the request. mod_so Loading of executable code and modules into the server at start or restart time. mod_speling Attempts to correct mistaken URLs that users might have entered by ignoring capitalization and by allowing up to one misspelling. mod_status Provides information on server activity and performance. mod_suexec Allows CGI scripts to run as the specified user or group. mod_unique_id Provides an environment variable with a unique identifier for each request. mod_userdir User-specific directories. mod_usertrack Clickstream logging of user activity on a site. mod_vhost_alias Provides for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting.
mod_ibm_ldap is provided with IHS V7 for compatibility with previous releases. To ensure future support for your LDAP configuration, migrate to...
- mod_authnz_ldap
- mod_ldap
mod_file_cache is provided with this release of IHS for compatibility with previous releases, however, migrate existing configurations to use mod_mem_cache to ensure future support for your LDAP configuration. These modules provide equivalent function in the memory instead of on a disk.
mod_mime_magic is provided with this release of IHS for compatibility with previous releases, but might not be available in a future release. No replacement will be provided for this module.
mod_proxy_ftp is provided with this release of IHS for compatibility with previous releases, but might not be available in a future release. No replacement will be provided for this module.
mod_cern_meta is not supported. Instead use the mod_headers module.
mod_imap was renamed to mod_imagemap. The LoadModule directive for mod_imap must be changed to refer to the new module name for an existing configuration file.
You must set the EnableExceptionHook directive value to
Onfor the mod_backtrace and mod_whatkilledus diagnostic modules.You may set the McacheMinObjectSize directive value to a minimum of 1 for mod_mem_cache . In previous releases, the minimum value was zero.
The Compression_Level directive for mod_deflate was renamed to DeflateCompressionLevel.
The configurations for mod_ldap and mod_auth_ldap have changed. See the procedure below about migrating from mod_ldap and mod_auth_ldap configurations.
The Apache mod_example source is installed in the /IBM/IHS/example_module
The AddOutputFilterByType directive now applies to proxy requests.
Directory listings created by mod_autoindex now have a default character set which can be modified using the IndexOptions directive. If we rely on browser detection of character sets for correct display of listings, you might need to specify the correct character set using the IndexOptions directive.
mod_proxy_balancer and mod_proxy_ajp are not supported components of IHS. These modules are supported exclusively by WebSphere Community Edition for WebSphere Community Edition customers. These modules are distributed with IHS in the following subdirectory:Linux: HP-UX: Solaris: AIX: z/OS:
Related tasks
Converting your directives from mod_ibm_ldap to mod_ldap
Configuring IHS
Related information
Apache directives
Set up listening sockets
Virtual hosts
Log files
Configuration files
Configuration sections
Authentication, authorization, and access control
Environment variables
URL rewriting guide
Other topics