Hints and tips for managing IHS using the administrative console
This topic contains helpful tips on using the WebSphere Application Server admin console for managing the following operations for IBM HTTP Server: Starting, stopping, viewing log files, editing configuration files, and propagating the plug-in configuration file.
Administering IHS with the admin console using the node agent and deployment manager:
The following list describes hints and tips on starting, stopping, and obtaining status for IHS using the admin console.
- Windows: The IHS you are managing must be installed as a service. You must install IHS with log on as system rights.
- Windows: When defining a Web server using the administrative console, use the actual service name, instead of the display name. The actual service name will not contain spaces. If we do not do this, you will have problems starting and stopping the service.
- Status is obtained using the Web server host name and port that you have defined. You do not use the remote administration port.
- If we have problems starting and stopping IHS, check the WebSphere console logs (trace).
- If we have problems starting and stopping IHS using nodeagent, you can try to start and stop the server by setting up the managed profile and issuing the startserver <IHS> -nowait -trace command and check the startServer.log file for the IHS specified.
- If communication between the admin console and the Web server is through a firewall, then define the Web Server port to the firewall program.
Administering IHS with the administrative console using the IHS administration server:
The following list describes hints and tips for viewing log files, editing configuration files and propagating the plug-in configuration file:
- Access to files is controlled by AdminAllowDirective in the admin.conf file. Access is granted to the conf and logs from the IBM HTTP Server installation If we are reading or writing plug-in configuration or trace files, add an entry to the admin.conf file to allow access there.
- Always back up the configuration file. It is possible on the upload of the configuration file, information will be lost.
The following list describes hints and tips on starting, stopping, and obtaining status for IHS using the admin console.
- Windows: The IHS you are managing must be installed as a service.
- Windows: When defining a Web server using the administrative console, use the actual service name, instead of the display name. The actual service name will not contain spaces. If we do not do this, you will have problems starting and stopping the service on the Windows 2003 operating system.
- Status is obtained using the Web server host name and port that you have defined. You do not use the remote administration port.
- If we have problems starting and stopping IHS, check the WebSphere console logs (trace) and check the admin_error.log file.
- The administration server should be started as root.
- If communication between the admin console and the administration server is through a firewall, enable the administration server port (default 8008).
- If communication between the admin console and the Web server is through a firewall, then define the Web Server port to the firewall program.
The following list describes hints and tips for viewing log files, editing configuration files and propagating the plug-in configuration file:
- AIX: HP-UX: Linux: Solaris: File permissions must be correct in order to transfer a file. The setupadm script is provided to set appropriate file permissions.
The setupadm script should be run prior to starting the administration server. This script will setup file permission and update the User ID and Group ID directives in the admin.conf file. The User ID and Group ID created through the setupadm script are UNIX IDs that must correspond to the admin.conf directives: User and Group.
- Access to files is controlled by AdminAllowDirective in the admin.conf file. Access is granted to the conf and logs from the IBM HTTP Server installation If we are reading or writing plug-in configuration or trace files, add an entry to the admin.conf file to allow access there.
- Always back up the configuration file. It is possible on the upload of the configuration file, information will be lost.