IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM)



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We can view the current performance activity of a server using the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) in the admin console.

When monitoring is enabled, ITCAM monitors the performance activity of all servers on a node, which includes the associated appservers and the administrative agent for the node being monitored.

New feature: ITCAM is an optional application which enables administrators to monitor the current health of WAS.

To minimize performance impacts, monitor only those servers whose resources need to be optimized

  1. To monitor server

    Monitor and Tuning | Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) | server | Configuration tab | Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure | Currently monitored statistic set | Custom level | Additional Properties | IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager

    Restart the server after changes.

  2. To monitor...

    Runtime | IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager

  3. Enable ITCAM performance counters.

    When you start monitoring, click IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WAS under the Runtime tab.

  4. View the ITCAM Application Performance counters in TPV.

    In the admin console, click...

    Monitor and Tuning | Performance Viewer | Current Activity | server | Performance modules | ITCAM Application Performance

    View the current activity and counters for the specified modules and counters for the specified modules.

  5. Stop monitoring ITCAM. Repeat Steps 1-3 and restart the server.


Next steps

When you finish monitoring a server, select the server and click Stop Monitoring. TPV automatically stops monitoring a server if we the browser window is closed or if we log out.

Why use ITCAM for WAS?