IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM)
We can view the current performance activity of a server using the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) in the admin console.
When monitoring is enabled, ITCAM monitors the performance activity of all servers on a node, which includes the associated appservers and the administrative agent for the node being monitored.
New feature: ITCAM is an optional application which enables administrators to monitor the current health of WAS.
To minimize performance impacts, monitor only those servers whose resources need to be optimized
- To monitor server
Monitor and Tuning | Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) | server | Configuration tab | Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure | Currently monitored statistic set | Custom level | Additional Properties | IBM Tivoli Composite Application ManagerRestart the server after changes.
- To monitor...
Runtime | IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager- Enable ITCAM performance counters.
When you start monitoring, click IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WAS under the Runtime tab.
- View the ITCAM Application Performance counters in TPV.
In the admin console, click...
Monitor and Tuning | Performance Viewer | Current Activity | server | Performance modules | ITCAM Application Performance
View the current activity and counters for the specified modules and counters for the specified modules.
- Stop monitoring ITCAM. Repeat Steps 1-3 and restart the server.
Next steps
When you finish monitoring a server, select the server and click Stop Monitoring. TPV automatically stops monitoring a server if we the browser window is closed or if we log out.