HTTP basic authentication collection
To specify a user name and password for transport-level basic authentication security for this port.
Applications | Application Types | WebSphere enterprise apps | application_name | Manage modules | URI_file_name | Web Services: Client Security Bindings | HTTP basic authentication | Edit
Use transport-level security to enable basic authentication. Use this configuration when a Web service is a client to another Web service.
This admin console panel applies only to JAX-RPC applications.
- Basic authentication ID
- User name for the HTTP basic authentication for this port
- Basic authentication password
- Password for the HTTP basic authentication for this port.
Related tasks
Authenticate Web services clients using HTTP basic authentication
Secure Web services applications at the transport level
Secure Web services for V5.x applications based on WS-Security
Secure Web services applications using message level security
Set HTTP basic authentication for JAX-RPC Web services with the admin console