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Example: An HTTP cookie retrieval

The following example shows you how to retrieve a cookie from an HTTP request, decode the cookie so that it is back to the original bytes, and create the custom SingleSignonToken object from the bytes. This example shows how to complete these steps from a login module. However, you also can complete these steps using a servlet.

For information on what to do during initialization, login and commit, see Develop custom login modules for a system login configuration for JAAS.

public customLoginModule() 
  public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, 
     Map sharedState, Map options) 
    _sharedState = sharedState;

  public boolean login() throws LoginException 
// Handles the WSTokenHolderCallback to see if this is an 
// initial or propagation login.
    Callback callbacks[] = new Callback[2];
    callbacks[0] = new WSTokenHolderCallback("Authz Token List: ");
    callbacks[1] = new WSServletRequestCallback("HttpServletRequest: ");
    catch (Exception e)
// Handles the exception
// receive the ArrayList of TokenHolder objects (the serialized tokens)
    List authzTokenList = ((WSTokenHolderCallback) callbacks[0]).getTokenHolderList();
    javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request = 
         ((WSServletRequestCallback) callbacks[1]).getHttpServletRequest();
    if (request != null)

// Checks if the cookie is present
      javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
      String[] cookieStrings = getCookieValues (cookies, "myCookeName1");

      if (cookieStrings != null)
        String cookieVal = null;
        for (int n=0;n<cookieStrings.length;n++)
          cookieVal = cookieStrings[n];
          if (cookieVal.length()>0) 
// Removes the cookie encoding from the cookie to get 
// the custom bytes
            byte[] cookieBytes = 
            customSSOToken = 
              new com.ibm.websphere.security.token.

// Now that we have the cookie from the request,                
// we can do something with it here, or add it
// to the Subject in the commit() method for use later.
            if (debug || tc.isDebugEnabled())
              System.out.println("*** GOT MY CUSTOM SSO TOKEN FROM 
                     THE REQUEST ***");


  public boolean commit() throws LoginException 
    if (customSSOToken != null)
// Sets the customSSOToken token into the Subject
        public final SingleSignonToken customSSOTokenPriv = customSSOToken;
// Do this in a doPrivileged code block so that application code does not 
// need to add additional permissions
        java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(new java.security.PrivilegedAction() 
          public Object run() 
// Add the custom SSO token if it is not null and not
// already in the Subject
                                      if ((customSSOTokenPriv != null) &&       
            catch (Exception e)
              throw new WSLoginFailedException (e.getMessage(), e);

            return null;
      catch (Exception e)
        throw new WSLoginFailedException (e.getMessage(), e);

// Private method to get the specific cookie from the request
  private String[] getCookieValues (Cookie[] cookies, String hdrName)
    Vector retValues = new Vector();
    int numMatches=0;
    if (cookies != null)
      for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; ++i)
        if (hdrName.equals(cookies[i].getName()))

    if (retValues.size()>0)
      return (String[]) retValues.toArray(new String[numMatches]);
      return null;
// Defines the login module variables
  com.ibm.wsspi.security.token.SingleSignonToken customSSOToken = null;
  com.ibm.wsspi.security.token.AuthenticationToken defaultAuthToken = null;
  java.util.Map _sharedState = null;


Related tasks

Implement a custom single sign-on token for security attribute propagation