Example: Create a dmgr profile
We can create a dmgr profile after installing the core product files. The dmgr provides a single administrative interface to a logical group of appservers on one or more machines.
To create a dmgr profile named profile1:
manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName profile1 -profilePath /profile1/WebSphere -templatePath /IBM/WAS/AppServer/profileTemplates/management -serverType DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER -cellName cell1 -hostName planetaix -nodeName dmgr1The command creates a dmgr profile named profile1 in a cell named cell1 with a node name of dmgr1 in...
PROFILE_HOME //profile1/WebSphereIf we do not specify one of the port options during profile creation, a recommended set of port values will be used. The port conflict resolution algorithm determines these ports. The recommended set of ports must be free of conflict. To use the IBM default ports, use the -defaultPorts option when creating a profile.
Related tasks
Create a management profile with a dmgr