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EJBDEPLOY relationships – troubleshooting tips

Use this information to troubleshoot information for EJBDEPLOY problems.


The converter that is defined for the primary key is not invoked on its foreign key value

The mapping for primary key fields to database columns may use a converter to transform the key values. If a container-managed persistence (CMP) bean uses a converter to map its primary key, and that bean has a relationship where the bean at the other end holds a foreign key, the mapping for the foreign key will not use the converter.

The following errors might occur, indicating that the converter defined for the primary key is not invoked on its foreign key value. During the run of the ejbDeploy command , you receive the following message:

No type mapping defined for Java datatype1 to Database datatype2
During run time, the application does not find the CMP bean at the other end of the relationship.

To work around this limitation, define our own foreign key in the database table, and create a mapping that uses the same converter as defined for the primary key on the enterprise beans at the other end of its relationship.

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