Diagnose problems with message logs



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WAS writes system messages to...

JVMs write to logs by redirecting System.out and System.err streams.

Applications can write to log streams using...

For problem determination use...

SystemOut.log General health
System.err Stack traces
IBM Service log Use in conjunction with Log Analyzer

There is one set of JVM logs for each appserver and all of its applications located...

In the case of a WAS ND configuration, JVM logs are also created for the dmgr and each administrative agent.

Process logs are created by redirecting the stdout and stderr streams of processes to independent log files. As a general rule, WAS does not write to these process log files. As with JVM logs, there is a set of process logs for each appserver. For WAS ND configuration, a set of process logs is created for the dmgr and each administrative agent.

The IBM service log contains...

There is one service log for all WAS JVMs on a node, including all appservers. The IBM Service log is maintained in a binary format and requires the Log and Trace Analyzer to view.

Other specialized logs are available. For example, the HTTP server plug-in log.

WAS for z/OS supports the SYSLOG is only supported on WAS for z/OS.

View JVM logs
JVM log interpretation
Configure the JVM logs
Process logs
Configure the service log
View the service log