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Develop with the UDDI registry

We can access the UDDI registry in several ways; the UDDI registry user interface, APIs, or the Java API for XML Registries (JAXR).

We can access the UDDI registry programmatically using several APIs.

We can also explore the UDDI registry by using the UDDI registry user interface (also referred to as the UDDI registry user console), which is a graphical interface.

You can access both UDDI (Version 2 only) and ebXML registries by using the Java API for XML Registries (JAXR). This Java client API is part of the Java EE specification.



Related concepts

Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) provider for UDDI


Related tasks

UDDI registry client programming
Use the UDDI registry user interface
Use the UDDI registry