Develop servlet applications using asynchronous request dispatcher
Web modules can dispatch requests concurrently on separate threads. Requests can be dispatched by the server or client.
For additional information about the AsyncRequestDispatcherConfig and the AsyncRequestDispatcher interfaces, review the package in the APIs documentation. The generated API documentation is available in the information center table of contents from the path Reference > APIs - Application Programming Interfaces. Review the asynchronous request dispatcher application (ARD) design considerations topic before completing the following steps.
Concurrent dispatching can improve servlet response time. If operations are dependant on each other, do not enable asynchronous request dispatching, therefore, select Disabled. Concurrent dispatching might result in errors when operations are dependant. Select Server side to enable the server to aggregate requests dispatched concurrently. Select Client side to enable the client to aggregate requests dispatched concurrently.
- Logically separate resource intensive operations.
- Develop servlets that use an asynchronous request dispatcher to include these operations.
- Enable asynchronous request dispatching on an appserver.
- Deploy the application in an appserver that has asynchronous request dispatching enabled.
- Select an aggregation type for the application that needs ARD.
- Set the AsyncRequestDispatcherWorkManager work manager used for the request dispatch threads.
- Restart the appserver.
Next steps
Restart the modified applications if already installed or start newly installed applications to enable ARD on each application.
Asynchronous request dispatcher
Asynchronous request dispatcher application design considerations
Asynchronous request dispatching settings