Develop applet client code
Applet clients are capable of communicating over the HTTP protocol and the RMI-IIOP protocol.
Unlike typical applets residing on either Web servers or WASs and can only communicate using the HTTP protocol, applet clients are capable of communicating over the HTTP protocol and the RMI-IIOP protocol. This additional capability gives the applet direct access to enterprise beans.
Standard applets require the HTML <APPLET> tag to identify the applet to the browser. If we replace by <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags, make sure specified appropriate values for <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags, especially the <OBJECT classid and <EMBED type values.
In the code for the applet client, when you initialize an instance of the InitialContext class, set properties to specify the computer name, domain, and port, and to identify this program (the client) as an applet.