Delete business-level applications
After an application no longer is needed, we can delete it.
Delete a business-level application removes the application from WAS configuration repository and it deletes the application binaries from the file system of all nodes where the application files are installed.
- Go to the Business-level applications page.
Click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications
- to retain a copy of the application, back up composition units of the application.
- Delete composition units of the application.
- On the Business-level applications page, click the name of the business-level application to delete.
- On the business-level application settings page, delete each composition unit of the application. Deployed assets and business-level applications can be composition units of a business-level application.
Select one or more composition units and click Delete.
- On the Delete composition unit from Business-level application panel, confirm the deletion and click OK.
- Repeat steps b and c until the business-level application that you want to delete has no more composition units.
Deleting a composition unit removes the configuration from the $WP_PROFILE/config/cells/cell_name/cus directory.
- Delete the business-level application.
- Select the application to delete.
- Click Delete.
Unless the application is used by another business-level application, deleting a business-level application removes the configuration from the $WP_PROFILE/config/cells/cell_name/blas directory.
- On the Delete business-level application panel, confirm the deletion and click OK.
- Save changes made to the admin configuration.
On single-server products, application binaries are deleted after you save the changes.On multiple-server products, application binaries are deleted when configuration changes on the dmgr synchronize with configurations for individual nodes.
Next steps
If using the admin console Delete options does not fully delete a business-level application or its composition units, we can delete the business-level application and its composition units manually from a dmgr or stand-alone server. Suppose you want to delete a business-level application named ExampleBLA, and ExampleBLA is not used by another business-level application. Complete the following steps to manually delete the ExampleBLA configurations from the blas and cus directories:
- Delete the $WP_PROFILE/config/cells/cell_name/blas/ExampleBLA directory.
- Delete the $WP_PROFILE/config/cells/cell_name/cus/ExampleBLA directory.
- Save changes made to the admin configuration.
- On multiple-server products, synchronize the dmgr with node configurations.
Related tasks
Deploy business-level applications
Delete a business-level application using programming
Delete business-level applications using scripting