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Delete a failed WS-ReliableMessaging outbound sequence

we have to resolve an outbound sequence in failed state, so that messages can again be transmitted to the target service. A sequence in failed state shows an unrecoverable error. The sequence can no longer be used. If messages are being delivered in order, then the failed sequence must be resolved before a new sequence can be established.

Deleting an outbound sequence allows the runtime environment to automatically create a new sequence the next time that an application attempts to invoke a Web service at the destination address that the failed sequence was targeting. To work with outbound sequences you use the admin console runtime panels

To diagnose and delete a failed outbound sequence, use the admin console to complete the following steps:


  1. In the navigation pane of the admin console, click one of the paths to the outbound sequences collection form. For example Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > [Additional Properties] Reliable messaging state > Runtime > Outbound sequences .

    The runtime state of each of the outbound sequences for the current scope is displayed in the Outbound sequence collection form.

  2. Examine the failure reason by clicking on the Sequence identifier field of the failed sequence. The Outbound sequences settings form is displayed. The failure reason is based on the fault message received by the sequence manager from the target server.

  3. If there are messages associated with the failed sequence, decide what to do with these messages. The messages might have been transmitted and received at the target server, or they might not. We might choose to delete messages from the sequence, re-allocate them to a new sequence or export them to a ZIP file. If we choose to delete the messages, we can either delete individual messages or we can delete all the messages.

    1. To delete one or more messages from a failed sequence...

      1. In the main pane of the Outbound sequences settings form, under the Additional Properties section, click Messages. The messages for the failed outbound sequence are listed in the Outbound message collection form.

      2. Select the check boxes next to the names of the messages that you want to delete.

      3. Click Delete.

    2. To re-allocate or export all the remaining messages in a failed sequence...

      1. In the main pane of the Outbound sequence collection form, select the check box next to the name of the failed sequence.

      2. Click Re-allocate messages or Export unsent messages. All remaining messages in the sequence are re-allocated to a new sequence or exported to a ZIP file.

  4. Close or terminate the failed sequence.

    In the WS-ReliableMessaging V1.1 specification, a sequence can be closed rather than terminated. This allows the final ACK state to be sent from the reliable messaging destination to the reliable messaging source. In the WS-ReliableMessaging V1.0 specification this does not happen, so the final ACK state might not be known at the reliable messaging source.

    See about the distinction between close and terminate, see Outbound sequence collection.

    1. In the main pane of the Outbound sequence collection form, select the check box next to the name of the failed sequence.

    2. Click Close sequence or Terminate sequence.

  5. Delete the failed sequence.

    1. In the main pane of the Outbound sequence collection form, select the check box next to the name of the failed sequence.

    2. Click Delete sequence.


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Diagnosing the problem when a reliable messaging source cannot deliver its messages
Diagnosing and recovering a WS-ReliableMessaging outbound sequence that is in retransmitting state
Learn about WS-ReliableMessaging
Building a reliable Web service application
Detecting and fixing problems with WS-ReliableMessaging



WS-ReliableMessaging: supported specifications and standards