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Database considerations for production use of the UDDI registry

The UDDI registry fully supports a number of databases and can be used for development and test purposes. However, there are factors to consider when you decide which database is appropriate for the anticipated UDDI registry production use.

It is important to consult the information that is supplied by the chosen database vendor, but also consider the likely size and volume of requests, and whether the general performance and scalability of the UDDI registry is important.

For example, the Apache Derby database supports the full function of the UDDI registry, but it is not an enterprise level database and it does not have the same characteristics, for example, scaling or performance, as enterprise databases such as DB2.

Apache Derby is not supported for production use.

If we need multiple connections to the UDDI registry database (for example to use the UDDI registry in a cluster configuration) and Apache Derby is the preferred database, use the network option for Apache Derby. This is because embedded Apache Derby has a limitation that allows only one Java virtual machine to access or load a database instance at any one time. That is, two appservers cannot access the same Apache Derby database instance at the same time.

The UDDI registry can support multiple users, even if a single database connection exists.


Related concepts

Overview of the V3 UDDI registry


Related tasks

Set up and deploying a new UDDI registry



About Apache Derby
Data source minimum required settings for Apache Derby