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Create a Java Management Extensions client program using the Java Management Extensions Remote API

This page describes how to develop and build a Java Management Extensions (JMX) client program that is compliant with JMX Remote API (JSR 160). After we have a working JMX client program, we can use it to manage WAS or non-WAS systems.

This task assumes a basic familiarity with JSR 160 and JMX API programming. For information on JSR 160, see http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=160. For information on the Java APIs, view the APIs documentation.

When you develop and run JMX clients that use various JMX connectors and that have security enabled, use the following guidelines. When you follow these guidelines, you guarantee the behavior among different implementations of JMX connectors. Any model that strays from these guidelines is unsupported.

  1. Create and use a single JMX client before you create and use another JMX client.

  2. Create and use a JMX client on the same thread.

  3. Use one of the following ways to specify a user ID and password to create a new JMX client:

    • Specify a default user ID and password in the property file.

    • Specify a user ID and password other than the default. After you create a JMX client with a nondefault user ID and password, specify the nondefault user ID and password when creating subsequent JMX clients.


  1. Develop a JMX client program.

  2. Build and run the JMX client program.

    The steps that are required to build and run the program depend on the kind of application environment that the code runs. Refer to the Using application clients topic for details on how to build and run the JMX client program.



we have developed, built, and run a JMX client program that is JSR 160 compliant.

Develop a Java Management Extensions client program using Java Management Extensions Remote API


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Additional Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)


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