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Create a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database for the UDDI registry

Perform this task to use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as the database store for the UDDI registry data.

The default name of the UDDI registry schema in the SQL scripts listed in the following topic is UDDI30. This name is the recommended value and is assumed throughout the UDDI information. To use a different name, modify the SQL files listed, then substitute the new name when UDDI30 is used in the information center.

The following steps use a number of variables. Before you start, decide appropriate values to use for these variables. The variables, and suggested values, are:


The path on the hard disk of the data file uddi30.mdf or the transaction log file uddi30Log.ldf, respectively. An example path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$SQLS2005\Data\.


The size of the file, in KB or MB. For uddi30.mdf, an example value is 300MB. For uddi30Log.ldf, the minimum value is 200MB.


The maximum size that the file can grow to, in KB or MB. The size must be great enough for rollback of large queries. For uddi30.mdf, an example value is 1000MB. For uddi30Log.ldf, the minimum value is 200MB and an example value is 800MB.


The increment by which the file can grow, in KB or MB. The minimum value is 50MB.

The following restrictions apply:

To create a remote database, refer first to the database product documentation about the relevant capabilities of WAS ND.

You perform this task only once for each UDDI registry, as part of setting up and deploying a UDDI registry.


  1. Change the directory to APP_ROOT/UDDIReg/databaseScripts.

  2. Enter the following SQL command to create the database using the Microsoft SQL Server tools:

    create database UDDI30 on PRIMARY ( NAME=UDDI30_DATA, 
      FILENAME='<FilePath>\uddi30.mdf',   SIZE=<FileSize>
      FILEGROWTH=<FileGrowthSize> ) LOG ON ( NAME = UDDI30Log,          FILENAME='<FilePath>\uddi30Log.ldf',          SIZE=<FileSize>
             FILEGROWTH=<FileGrowthSize> )

  3. Enter the following commands to define the database structures needed to store the UDDI data, where server_name is the host server for the database, instance_name is the instance of the database, login_id is the user ID for the database, and password is the password for that user ID.

    1. sqlcmd -S server_name\instance_name -U login_id -P password -i uddi30crt_05_tables_SQLS2005.sql

    2. sqlcmd -S server_name\instance_name -U login_id -P password -i uddi30crt_15_tables_SQLS2005.sql

    3. sqlcmd -S server_name\instance_name -U login_id -P password -i uddi30crt_35_constraints_SQLS2005.sql

    4. sqlcmd -S server_name\instance_name -U login_id -P password -i uddi30crt_45_views_SQLS2005.sql

    5. sqlcmd -S server_name\instance_name -U login_id -P password -i uddi30crt_55_triggers_SQLS2005.sql

  4. Enter the following command if we want the database to be used as a default UDDI node:

    sqlcmd -S server_name\instance_name -U login_id -P password -i uddi30crt_70_insert_default_database_indicator.sql


Next steps

Continue with setting up and deploying the UDDI registry node.


Related tasks

Set up a default UDDI node
Set up a customized UDDI node