Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to manage deployed applications. The commands and parameters in the CoreGroupManagement group can be used to create and manage core groups. A core group is a high availability domain that consists of a set of processes in the same cell that can directly establish high availability relationships. A cell must contain at least one core group.
The CoreGroupManagement includes the following commands:
- createCoreGroup
- deleteCoreGroup
- doesCoreGroupExist
- getAllCoreGroupNames
- getCoreGroupNameForServer
- getDefaultCoreGroupName
- moveClusterToCoreGroup
- moveServerToCoreGroup
The createCoreGroup command creates a new core group. The core group that you create contains no members.Target object
Parameters and return values
- -coreGroupName
- The name of the core group that we are creating. (String required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask createCoreGroup {-coreGroupName MyCoreGroup}, we can use the following sample script to add a description for the new core group:
set core [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:myCell/CoreGroup:MyCoreGroup/] $AdminConfig modify $core {{description "My Description"}} $AdminConfig save- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createCoreGroup('[-coreGroupName MyCoreGroup]')Optionally, we can use the following sample script to add a description for the new core group:
core = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:myCell/CoreGroup:MyCoreGroup/') AdminConfig.modify(core, [['description', "This is my new description"]])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask createCoreGroup {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createCoreGroup ('[-interactive]')
The deleteCoreGroup command deletes an existing core group. The core group specified must not contain any members. We cannot delete the default core group.Target object
Parameters and return values
- -coreGroupName
- The name of the existing core group that will be deleted. (String required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask deleteCoreGroup {-coreGroupName MyCoreGroup}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteCoreGroup('[-coreGroupName MyCoreGroup]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteCoreGroup(['-coreGroupName', 'MyCoreGroup'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask deleteCoreGroup {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteCoreGroup ('[-interactive]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteCoreGroup ('[-interactive]')
The doesCoreGroupExist command returns a boolean value that indicates if the core group specified exists.Target object
Parameters and return values
- -coreGroupName
- The name of the core group. (String, required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask doesCoreGroupExist {-coreGroupName MyCoreGroup}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.doesCoreGroupExist('[-coreGroupName MyCoreGroup]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.doesCoreGroupExist(['-coreGroupName', 'MyCoreGroup'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask doesCoreGroupExist {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.doesCoreGroupExist ('[-interactive]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.doesCoreGroupExist (['-interactive'])
The getAllCoreGroupNames command returns a string that contains the names of all of the existing core groupsTarget object
Parameters and return values
- Parameters: None
- Returns: String array (String[ ])
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask getAllCoreGroupNames- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAllCoreGroupNames()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask getAllCoreGroupNames {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAllCoreGroupNames ('[-interactive]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getAllCoreGroupNames (['-interactive'])
The getCoreGroupNameForServer command returns the name of the core group in which the server specified is currently a member.Target object
Parameters and return values
- -nodeName
- The name of the node that contains the server. (String, required)
- -serverName
- The name of the server. (String, required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask getCoreGroupNameForServer {-nodeName myNode -serverName myServer}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getCoreGroupNameForServer('[-nodeName myNode -serverName myServer]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getCoreGroupNameForServer(['-nodeName', 'myNode', '-serverName', 'myServer'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask getCoreGroupNameForServer {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getCoreGroupNameForServer ('[-interactive]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getCoreGroupNameForServer (['-interactive'])
The getDefaultCoreGroupName command returns the name of the default core group.Target object
Parameters and return values
- Parameters: None
- Returns: String
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask getDefaultCoreGroupName- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getDefaultCoreGroupName()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask getDefaultCoreGroupName {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getDefaultCoreGroupName ('[-interactive]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getDefaultCoreGroupName (['-interactive'])
The moveClusterToCoreGroup command moves all of the servers in a cluster specified from a core group to another core group. All of the servers in a cluster must be members of the same core group.Target object
Parameters and return values
- -source
- The name of the core group that contains the cluster to move. The core group must exist prior to running this command. The cluster specified must be a member of this core group. (String, required)
- -target
- The name of the core group where you want to move the cluster. (String, required)
- -clusterName
- The name of the cluster to move. (String, required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask moveClusterToCoreGroup {-source OldCoreGroup -target NewCoreGroup -clusterName ClusterOne}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.moveClusterToCoreGroup('[-source OldCoreGroup -target NewCoreGroup -clusterName ClusterOne]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.moveClusterToCoreGroup(['-source', 'OldCoreGroup', '-target', 'NewCoreGroup', '-clusterName', 'ClusterOne'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask moveClusterToCoreGroup {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.moveClusterToCoreGroup ('[-interactive]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.moveClusterToCoreGroup (['-interactive'])
The moveServerToCoreGroup command moves a server to a core group specified. When the server is added to the core group specified, it is removed from the core group where it originally resided.Target object
Parameters and return values
- -source
- The name of the core group that contains the server to move.
The core group must already exist with the server specified being a member of the core group. (String, required)
- -target
- The name of the core group where you want to move the server. The core group specified must exist prior to running the command. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The name of the node that contains the server to move. (String, required)
- -serverName
- The name of the server to move. (String, required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask moveServerToCoreGroup {-source OldCoreGroup -target NewCoreGroup -nodeName myNode -serverName myServer}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.moveServerToCoreGroup('[-source OldCoreGroup -target NewCoreGroup -nodeName myNode -serverName myServer]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.moveServerToCoreGroup(['-source', 'OldCoreGroup', '-target', 'NewCoreGroup', '-nodeName', 'myNode', '-serverName', 'myServer'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask moveServerToCoreGroup {-interactive}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.moveServerToCoreGroup ('[-interactive]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.moveServerToCoreGroup (['-interactive'])
Related tasks
Use AdminTask for scripted administration
Commands for AdminTask