Class loading: Links
Additional information and guidance on class loading is available on various Internet sites.
Use the following links to find relevant supplemental information about class loaders. The information resides on IBM and non-IBM Internet sites, whose sponsors control the technical accuracy of the information.
These links are provided for convenience. Often, the information is not specific to the IBM WAS product, but is useful all or in part for understanding WAS ND. When possible, links are provided to technical papers and Redbooksthat supplement the broad coverage of the release documentation with in-depth examinations of particular product areas.
View links to additional information about:
Programming model and decisions
- Demystifying class loading problems, Part 1: An introduction to class loading and debugging tools - Learn how class loading works and how the JVM can help you sort out class loading problems (developerWorks, November 2005),
- Demystifying class loading problems, Part 2: Basic class loading exceptions - An in-depth look at some simple class loading quirks and conundrums (developerWorks, December 2005),
- Demystifying class loading problems, Part 3: Tackling more unusual class loading problems - Understand class loading and quash subtle exceptions (developerWorks, December 2005),
- J2EE Class Loading Demystified (developerWorks, August 2002),
- Java programming dynamics, Part 1: Classes and class loading - A look at classes and what goes on as they're loaded by a JVM (developerWorks, April 2003),
Programming instructions and examples
- WAS V6.1: System Management Configuration Handbook, SG24-7304-00,
- IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Co-hosting multiple versions of J2EE applications,
Programming specifications
- Specifications and API documentation
Related tasks
Class loading
Specifications and API documentation 
Related information
Demystifying class loading problems, Part 1: An introduction to class loading and debugging tools
Demystifying class loading problems, Part 2: Basic class loading exceptions
Demystifying class loading problems, Part 3: Tackling more unusual class loading problems
J2EE Class Loading Demystified
Java programming dynamics, Part 1: Classes and class loading
WAS V6.1: System Management Configuration Handbook, SG24-7304-00
IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Co-hosting multiple versions of J2EE applications