Class loader settings
To configure a class loader for applications that reside on an appserver, from the admin console page, click...Servers | Server Types | WebSphere application servers | server_name | Java and Process Management | Class loader | class_loader_ID
- Class loader ID
- String that is unique to the server identifying the class-loader instance. WAS ND v7.0 assigns the identifier.
Data type String - Class loader order
- Whether the class loader searches in the parent class loader or in the application class loader first to load a class.
The standard for development kit class loaders and WAS class loaders is...
Classes loaded with parent class loader firstThe application can override classes contained in the parent class loader by specifying...
Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last)...but this can potentially result in ClassCastException or LinkageErrors if we have mixed use of overridden classes and non-overridden classes.
The default is to search in the parent class loader before searching in the application class loader to load a class.
For the application to use the default configuration of Jakarta Commons Logging, set application class loader order to...
Classes loaded with parent class loader firstFor the application to override the default configuration of Jakarta Commons Logging, the application must provide the configuration in a form supported by Jakarta Commons Logging and this class loader order must be set to...
Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last)To override the default configuration, set the class loader order for each Web module in the application so that the correct logger factory loads.
Data type String Default Parent first
Related tasks
Class loading
Troubleshooting class loaders
Library reference collection