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Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure security with wsadmin. The commands and parameters in the AuthorizationGroupCommands group can be used to create and manage authorization groups.

The AuthorizationGroupCommands command group for AdminTask:



The addResourceToAuthorizationGroup command adds a resource instance to an existing authorization group. A resource instance cannot belong to more than one authorization group.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroupName

The name of the authorization group. (String, required)

- resourceName

The name of the resource instance to add to an authorization group. (String, required)The resourceName parameter should be in the following format:

where ResourceType is one of the following values: Application, Server, ServerCluster, Node, NodeGroup

ResourceName is the name of the resource instance, for example, server1.

The following are example uses of the resourceName parameter:

  • Node=node1:Server=server1

    This example uniquely identifies server1. node1 is required if another server1 exists on a different node.

  • Application=app1


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The createAuthorizationGroup command creates a new authoirzation group. By creating a new authorization group, no members are associated with it. Also, no user to administrative role mapping for the authorization table is associated with the authorization group.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorization GroupName

The name of the authorization group to create. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The deleteAuthorizationGroup command deletes an existing authorization group. When you delete an authorization group, the authorization table that corresponds is also deleted.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroup Name

The name of the authorization group to delete. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listAuthorizationGroupslistAuthoriz ationGroups command lists the existing authorization groups.

Target object


Parameters and return values


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listAuthorizationGroupsForGroupID command lists all of the authorization groups to which a given user group has access. This command lists the authorization groups and the granted roles for each authorization group. The group ID can be a short name or a fully qualified domain name if the LDAP user registry is being used. This command will list cell as a group if the user has cell level access.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- groupid

The ID of the user group. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listAuthorizationGroupsForUserID command lists all of the authorization groups to which a given user has access. This command lists the authorization groups and the granted roles for each authorization group. The user ID and the group ID can be a short name or a fully qualified domain name if the LDAP user registry is being used. This command will list cell as a group if the user has cell level access.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- userid

The ID of the user. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listAuthorizationGroupsOfResource command lists authorization groups for a given resource. If the value of the traverseContainedObjects parameter is false, only the authorization group of the resource is returned. If the value of the traverseContainedObjects parameter is true, it returns the authorization group of the resource and the authorization groups of all the parent resources in the containment tree.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- resourceName

The name of the resource. (String, required)The resourceName parameter must be in the following format:

where ResourceType can be any one of the following values: Application, Server, ServerCluster, Node, or NodeGroup.

ResourceName is the name of the resource instance, for example, server1.

The following are examples of the resourceName parameter:


This example uniquely identifies server1. The name of the node is required if a server on a different node uses the same server name.


- traverseContained Resources

Finds the authorization groups of all the parent resources by traversing the resource containment tree upwards. The default value is false. (Boolean, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listResourcesOfAuthorizationGroup command lists all of the resources within the given authorization group.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroupName

The name of the authorization group. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listResourcesForGroupID command lists all the objects that a given group has access to. This command lists the resources and the granted roles for each resource. The resources that this command returns include the resources from the authorization groups to which the user group is granted roles and the resources that are descendants of the resources with in authorization groups to which the user group is granted access to any role. The group ID can be a short name or fully qualified domain name if a LDAP user registry is used.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- groupid

The ID of the user group. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listResourcesForUserID command lists all the objects that a given user has access to. This command lists the resources and the granted roles for each resource. The resources that this command returns include the resources from the authorization groups to which the user is granted roles and the resources that are descendants of the resources with in authorization groups to which the user is granted access to any role. The user ID can be a short name or fully qualified domain name if a LDAP user registry is used.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- userid

The ID of the user. (String, required).


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:

For example...

{deployer=[], operator=[],  administrator=[cells/IBM-LP1 6L31HVE8Cell07/clusters/C1| cluster.xml, 
 cells/IBM-LP16L 31HVE8Cell07/nodes/IBM-LP16L 31HVE8Node05/servers/cm1|ser ver.xml],  monitor=[], configurator=[]}



The mapGroupsToAdminRole command maps group IDs to one or more admin roles in an authorization group. The name of the authorization group that you provide determines which authorization table will be used. If we do not specify an authorization group name, the mapping is done to the cell level authorization table. The group ID can be a short name or a fully qualified domain name if the LDAP user registry is used.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroup Name

The name of the authorization group. If we do not specify this parameters, the cell level authorization group is assumed. (String, optional)

- roleName

The name of the admin role. (String, required)

- groupids

The list of group IDs that will mapped to the admin role. (String[], required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The mapUsersToAdminRole command maps user IDs to one or more admin roles in the authorization group. The name of the authorization group that you provide determines the authorization table. If we do not specify the name of the authorization group, the mapping is done to the cell level authorization table. The user ID can be a short name or fully qualified domain name in case LDAP user registry is used.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroup Name

The name of the authorization group. If we do not specify this parameter, the cell level authorization group is assumed. (String, optional)

- roleName

The name of the admin role. (String, required)

- userids

The list of user IDs that will be mapped to the administrative role (String[], required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The removeGroupsFromAdminRole command removes previously mapped group IDs from admin roles in the authorization group. The name of the authorization group that you provide determines which authorization table is involved. If we do not specify an authorization group name, the group IDs are removed from the cell level authorization table. The group ID can be a short name or fully qualified domain name if a LDAP user registry is used.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroup Name

The name of the authorization group. If we do not specify this parameter, the cell level authorization group is assumed. (String, optional)

- roleName

The name of the admin role. (String, required)

- userids

A list of group IDs to remove from the administrative role. (String[], required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The removeResourceFromAuthorizationGroup command removes resources from an existing authorization group. If we do not specify the authorization group, it will be determined and the resource will be removed from that authorization group.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroup Name

The name of the authorization group. (String, optional)

- resourceName

The name of the resource instance to remove from the authorization group. (String, required)The resourceName parameter must be in the following format:

where the ResourceType can be any of the following: Application, Server, ServerCluster, Node, or NodeGroup.

The ResourceName is the name of the resource instance, for example, server1.

The following are examples of the resourceName parameter:


This example uniquely identifies server1. node1 is required if the name of the server exists on multiple nodes.



Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The removeUsersFromAdminRole command removes previously mapped user IDs from admin roles in the authorization group. The name of the authorization group that you provide determines which authorization table is involved. If we do not specify an authorization group name, the user ID from the cell level authorization table will be used. The user ID can be a short name or a fully qualified domain name if a LDAP user registry is used.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- authorizationGroup Name

The name of the authorization group. If we do not specify this parameter, the cell level authorization group is assumed. (String, optional)

- roleName

The name of the admin role. (String, required)

- userids

A list of user IDs to remove from the administrative role. (String[], required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


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Use AdminTask for scripted administration



Commands for AdminTask