An asset represents one or more application binary files stored in an asset repository. Typical assets include...
- Java EE archives
- library files
- other resource files
An asset repository stores the binary files for the asset.
The WAS configuration repository provides a default asset repository managed by the WAS management domain. Asset binary files are stored in...
An asset name must be unique within a cell, WAS administrative domain.
WAS ND v7.0 creates a file, asset.xml, when an asset is registered with WAS configuration, that contains information about the asset such as...
- Name
- Destination location
- Dependencies on other assets
Register files as assets before adding them to one or more business-level applications. At the time of asset registration, we can either...
- Import the physical application files into the product configuration repository
- Specify an external location where the asset resides
Related concepts
Business-level applications
Deploy business-level applications
Importing assets