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Add a signer certificate to the default signers keystore



Signer certificates are added to the following keystores...

Dmgr DmgrDefaultSignersStore
Appserver NodeDefaultSignersStore

The default signers key store is created during profile creation and contains the signer certificate of the root certificate. Additional signer certificates can be added to the default signers key store at any time. Anytime a keystore is created using the admin console or createKeyStore, all signer certificates from the default signer store are added to the newly created keystore.


Add signer certificates

Add signer certificates using wsadmin

We can extract the signer from a personal certificate using AdminTask extractCertificate.

We add signers using AdminTask addSignerCertificate.

Add a signer certificate to a default signer keystore addSignerCertificate
Create a new keystore createKeyStore
Extract the signer from a personal certificate extractCertificate
Exchange a signer certificate KeyStoreCommands



Secure communications
KeyStoreCommands command group for the AdminTask object
SignerCertificateCommands command group for the AdminTask object