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Packaging a console module


Before you start this task, be sure your Java sources compiles without errors and the XML descriptors have been validated against the corresponding schemas.



An Integrated Solutions Console module must be packaged as a WAR file for deployment. For best results, use a comprehensive development tool such as WebSphere Application Server Toolkit or Rational Application Developer. Otherwise, you can follow these steps to package your console module resources into the WAR file.



  1. Create a working directory to collect all of the files that need to be packaged in the WAR file.

  2. Organize your portlets and other resource files in the prescribed directory structure for portlet WAR files using the following steps:

    1. Place the following deployment descriptors in the directory /WEB-INF directory:

      • ibm-portal-topology.xml (topology descriptor)

      • ibm-portal-security.xml (security descriptor)

      • portlet.xml (portlet descriptor)

      • web.xml (Web application descriptor)

    2. Place individual Java classes for your portlets in the directory /WEB-INF/classes. Use a directory structure that reflects the fully-qualified class name of your portlet, for example, /com/ibm/isclite/samples/basicModule.

    3. Put JAR files in the directory /WEB-INF/lib.

    4. If the console module supports multiple languages, place the properties file that contains the translated strings (the resource bundles) in the directory /WEB-INF/classes/nls.

    5. Put any JavaServer Pages that must be served directly by the client in a directory that is not under the /WEB-INF directory (such /jsp). Resources in the /WEB-INF directory are protected and are not URL-addressable. JavaServer Pages that are accessed only by the portlets in the console module can be placed in the /WEB-INF path.

    6. If the console module has help files, copy the Eclipse help plug-in files to the directory /help/plugin_name, where plugin_name is the name of the Eclipse help plug-in, such as com.ibm.myprod.help.doc.

  3. Use the Java JAR utility to create the WAR file. For instructions, see the Java Tutorial at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jar/basics/index.html . You can also use an assembly tool like Application Server Toolkit or Rational Application Developer to create the WAR file for the console module.