Uninstall IBM HTTP Server

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This section contains procedures for uninstalling the IBM HTTP Server. The uninstaller program is customized for each product installation, with specific disk locations and routines for removing installed features. The uninstaller program does not remove configuration and log files.



  1. Stop IBM HTTP Server.

  2. Go to the folder IHS_HOME/uninstall

  3. Double-click "uninstall" or to uninstall silently...

    uninstall -silent

  4. GSKit

    [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

    The uninstall process does not automatically uninstall the GSKit. We have to uninstall the GSKit manually by using the native uninstall method.

  5. Click Next to begin uninstalling the product.

    The Uninstaller wizard displays a Confirmation panel that lists the product and features that we are uninstalling.

  6. Click Next to continue uninstalling the product.

    The Uninstaller wizard deletes existing profiles first. After deleting profiles, the Uninstaller wizard deletes core product files by component.

  7. Click Finish to close the wizard after the wizard removes the product.

  8. Review the log file for errors...




Manually uninstalling IBM HTTP Server