Set advanced SSL options


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Set advanced SSL options

We can enable advanced security options such as: client authentication, setting and viewing cipher specifications, and defining SSL for multiple-IP virtual hosts.



After setting up secure connections, follow these instructions to enable advanced security options:



  1. Enable client authentication. If we enable client authentication, the server validates clients by checking for trusted certificate authority (CA) root certificates in the local key database.

  2. Set and view cipher specifications.

    If we specify V3 or TLS ciphers and no SSL V2 ciphers, SSL V2 support is disabled. Also, if we specify SSL V2 ciphers and no SSL V3 or TLS ciphers, SSL V3 and TLS support is disabled.

  3. Define SSL for multiple-IP virtual hosts.



Choosing the level of client authentication

Choosing the type of client authentication protection

Setting cipher specifications

Defining SSL for multiple-IP virtual hosts

Reverse proxy setup with Secure Sockets Layer