Symbols${DRIVER_PATH} 317$AdminApp 258-259edit 293editInteractive 293install 291installInteractive 291options 291uninstall 292$AdminConfig 257, 259, 265-266, 269create 288, 294getid 288modify 288parent 267remove 291save 288, 292$AdminControl 257, 260, 279queryNames 260-261refreshRepositoryEpoch 36stopServer 280$AdminTask 258-259, 265, 273createCluster 276createSIBus 275exportServer 247exportWasprofile 248$Help 258Aaccess intent 860, 863, 865, 867application profile 866application profiles 197tracing 871access intent policies 860, 864Activate at option 857activation.jar 342ActivationSpec JavaBean 426, 428, 430, 443, 446Active Server Pages 921ActiveX to EJB Bridge application client 921, 923activity session service 198addNode 86, 201, 204-206, 208, 210adjunct process 113admin_host 227AdminApp 283-284AdminConfig 259, 290, 296AdminControl 259, 262, 284administration services 164, 199consoledeploying during profile creation 59, 68, 112interrupted session 140logging in 140preferences 146scope 148securing 159session timeout 142starting 138-139console port 63, 71console secure port 63, 71administrative security 59, 62, 68, 70, 75, 78, 140, 159-160per resource instance 161administrator role 161AdminSecurityManager role 161AdminServer 130AdminService 27-28AdminTask 259, 290, 296, 299AffinityCookie 386Aged Timeout 324-325alias destination 549, 588, 640ALL_AUTHENTICATED 790Ant tasks 913Apache 902apachectl 377applet application client 921applicationdeploying 913editing with wsadmin 293exporting 233finding the URL 238installation 229, 231, 291listing 283multiple updates 931preventing from starting 234preventing startup 293removing files 931single file update 930single module update 930starting 179, 234starting order 234starting with wsadmin 284stopping 234stopping with wsadmin 284uninstalling 233uninstalling with wsadmin 292updating 928viewing 235viewing EJB modules 236Application Build ID 915Application class loader 799-800, 807application class loader 796, 798-800, 802-804, 807-809, 814, 816, 820application classloader policy 190application client 9, 920bindings 924deployment 920launching 925application data repository 39application moduleupdating 929application profiling service 197Application Resource Warning 917application scoped resources 149application security 159appservercreating 171, 289, 896-897customizing 188logs and trace 898modifying with wsadmin 294removing 290restarting 183run time attributes 185starting 178, 281stopping 181, 183, 282Application Server Facilities 421appserver name 108appserver profile 48-51, 55-56, 67, 91, 94, 97, 125-126, 139, 170-171, 178, 181, 243, 246, 254, 371appserver template 224Application Server Toolkit 7, 9, 95, 97-98, 832, 838, 840, 846, 890, 895, 911, 914, 916application.xml 43, 839application-client.xml 839applicationsdeploymentdynamic reload 873hot deployment 873managing 230ARM 134asynchronous beans 305asynchronous messaging 401-402attributes 263, 266, 269authenticationcomponent managed 361component-managed 319, 339container 362container-managed 319resource 361authentication alias 629, 655, 894auto reload 873automatic file synchronization 937Automatic Request Encoding enabled option 875Automatic Response Encoding enabled option 875automatic synchronization 33autoRequestEncoding 875autoResponseEncoding 875averaging period 190Bback-end ID 848, 853, 916backupConfig 243-244BBOCCINS 168bean managed activity session 738bean managed transaction 738-739bean managed transactions 442Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) 250binding 842, 847application client bindings 924compound name 746configured 742corbaname 746CorbaObjectNameSpaceBinding 762data sources 846EJB JNDI names 842EJB references 844EjbNameSpaceBinding 762IndirectLookupNameSpaceBinding 762name 743overriding defaults 913simple name 745StringNameSpaceBinding 762bindings connection 491-492bindings file 919BLOB 850, 867, 895BMP 861, 863boot class path 163bootstrap 757, 763-764, 766-767, 773-774, 776, 778, 782, 796bootstrap class loader 796, 799bootstrap endpoint 655bootstrap server 521, 523, 534-535, 566, 582BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS 203BootstrapBasicMessaging 566bootstrapnoderoot 768bootstrapped client 534BootstrapSecureMessaging 566bootstrapserverroot 768BootstrapTunneledMessaging 566BootstrapTunneledSecureMessaging 566both mode 699-700Built-in Mail Provider 342, 344busincluding in federation 203bus connector role 609, 620bus member 541, 547, 550, 600, 602, 604, 610adding to the service integration bus 631bus security 619Ccache 197, 694, 712, 728-729, 733, 855, 858EJB 855, 857-858cache ID 689-690cache size 197cached connection handles 469cached handles 328, 340cacheGroups 269caching option 858caching option A 854caching option B 855caching option C 856Caching Proxy 6, 8caching strategy 858CCI 330cci.jar 332cell 31, 41, 50, 138cell name 59, 78, 94, 107cell persistent root 742, 748, 751, 753, 756, 763, 766-768, 772-773, 780-781definition of 748cell profile 96-97cell root context 770cellroot 768central administration 50central management 48certificate 116certificate authority 115channel 194character encoding 875CICS 332class loader 198-199, 796, 800, 802-803, 807, 811, 818Java 2 class loaders 796policies 804WebSphere class loaders 800class loader delegation 807class loader order 807class loader policies 880class loader policy 804, 806class loader tree 797Class Loader Viewer 810-811, 816class loader viewer service 200class loading 163class loading mode 190class loading policy 804class path 163classloader policy 190ClassNotFoundException 795, 802classpath 839JDBC provider 315protocol provider 346resource adapter 337