14.3 Deploying the application
In this section, we show the steps required to deploy the application to WAS. We show you how to deploy a regular EAR file as well as an Enhanced EAR file, and then also how to not honor the configuration information packaged into the Enhanced EAR file.
Follow these steps to deploy the application:
1. Select Applications | Install New Application from the console navigation bar.
2. Check the Local file system box and click the Browse button to locate the PlantsbyWebSphere.ear file. From the install windows, install files that are located either on the same machine as the browser you are using to access the WebSphere console, the local file system option, or on the WAS itself, the remote file system option. If you select the Local file system option, the console automatically uploads the file you select to the appserver, or to the deployment manager if this is a distributed server environment. If you select the Remote file system check box, you can browse all the nodes in the cell to find the file. The file is then, if necessary, uploaded to the appserver or deployment manager.
New in V6.1: WAS V6.1 allows you to take a shortcut when installing an application. If you select the Prompt me only when additional information is required option, only the windows where you actually need to fill out some information during installation are shown.
For this example, however, we will explain the options, so select Show me all installation options and parameters. Then click Next.
3. In the next window, specify default bindings for the application you are deploying. Unless you check the Override option, bindings already specified in the EAR are not altered. The various bindings you can specify in this page are documented in Table 14-1. If you do choose to override bindings, select Generate Default Bindings at the top of this window to apply changes to the application you are deploying. In this example, the bindings were set in the application EAR file using the Application Server Toolkit and there is no need to override them. The defaults are also correct.
Table 14-1
Binding name Detailed information EJB prefix You can generate default EJB JNDI names using a common prefix. EJBs for which you did not specify a JNDI name will get a default name, built by concatenating the prefix and the EJB name. If you specify a prefix of myApp/ejb, then JNDI names default to myApp/ejb/EJBName, such as myApp/ejb/Account. Override Enter whether you want to override the current bindings. By default, existing bindings are not altered. EJB 1.1 CMP bindings You can bind all EJB 1.1 CMP entity beans to a specific data source, including user ID and password. Connection Factory bindings You can bind all EJB modules to a specific data source. You will have to go to the next window to override this setting at the EJB level. Virtual host bindings You can bind all Web modules to a specific virtual host, such as plantsbywebsphere_host. Specify bindings file You can also create a specific bindings file using your favorite editor and load it during application installation by clicking Browse next to the specific bindings file. For information about using a bindings file, see 14.3.1, Using a bindings file.
Application default bindings
4. Click Next. The rest of the wizard is divided into steps. The number of steps depends on your application, for example, if it contains EJB modules or Web modules, you will see windows prompting for the information necessary to deploy them.
5. Step 1: Select installation options. Step 1 gives you a chance to review the installation options. You can specify various deployment options, such as JSP precompiling, and whether you want to generate EJB deployment code.
If you are deploying an Enhanced EAR file, this is where you make the decision whether to use the resource configuration information packaged in the Enhanced EAR file or not. If the EAR file you are installing is an Enhanced EAR, the install window preselects the Process embedded configuration check box. If you do not want to use the resource configuration information packaged in the Enhanced EAR file, deselect this check box.
Selecting the Pre-compile JSP option makes WebSphere compile all JSPs in the EAR file during install time. This causes the time-consuming task of JSP compilation to be performed during install time instead of during run time, preventing the first user that accesses the application to pay that penalty.
A second alternative to pre-compile JSPs is to use the JspBatchCompiler script found in the bin directory of the profile you are using to compile the JSPs after the application has been installed.
This page also allows you to specify file permissions for files in your application. To use one of the predefined file permissions, select it, and then click Set file permissions. You can also specify your own file permissions using regular expressions.
New in V6.1: The console displays the Application Build ID of the application being installed. This string is specified in the MANIFEST.MF file in the EAR file's META-INF folder and can be set using the Application Server Toolkit.
The following is an example of a version number:
Implementation-Version: V1.2.3
New in V6.1: The Remote Request Dispatcher is an extension to the Web container that allows frameworks, servlets, and JSPs to include content from outside of the current executing resource's JVM as part of the response sent to the client.
To enable this feature, select the corresponding check boxes to allow dispatching or servicing includes to/from remote resources. For more information about this feature, search the InfoCenter for Remote request dispatcher.
Click Next.
6. Step 2: Map modules to servers. Select the server on which you want each module deployed. For better performance, we recommend that you deploy all modules from one application in a single server. Especially, do not separate the EJB clients, usually servlets in Web modules, from the EJBs themselves.
Click the
icon to select all modules in the Plants by WebSphere EAR file. In the Clusters and Servers box, select PlantsByWebSphereServer. Then click Apply. This assigns all modules to the PlantsByWebSphereServer appserver. If you deploy to a cluster, select the cluster instead of the single appserver.
Web servers: If you have a Web server defined, select both the Web server and WebSphereBankServer in the server list. Press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple servers. Mapping Web modules to Web servers ensures the Web server plug-in will be generated properly.
Figure 14-9 Mapping modules to appservers
Steps 3 - 11 allow you to define bindings. We have already taken care of this using the Application Server Toolkit when we packaged the EAR file. You can skip directly to Step 11 if you like. See 15.
7. Step 3: Select current back-end ID. A single EAR file can contain multiple database mappings. At deployment time, you can choose which one you want to use. In this case, set it to DB2UDBNT_V82_1, because this is the version we are using.
Click Next.
8. Step 4: Provide JSP reloading options for Web modules. Allows you to configure if and how often WebSphere should check for updates to JSP files, and if they should be reloaded or not. In a production environment, you may want to disable this to improve performance.
Click Next.
9. Step 5: Map shared libraries. If your application depends on shared libraries, you can specify them here. For more information about using shared libraries, see Shared libraries.
Click Next.
10. Step 6: Provide JNDI names for beans. Use this window to bind the enterprise beans in your application or module to a JNDI name. In 13.3.1, Defining EJB JNDI names, we defined these values in Table 13-1, so the defaults shown should be correct.
Click Next.
11. Step 7: Map EJB references to beans. Each EJB reference defined in your application must be mapped to an enterprise bean. We used the Application Server Toolkit to do this in 13.3.2, Binding EJB and resource references.
Click Next.
12. Step 8: Map default data source mapping for modules containing 2.x entity beans. Specify the default data source for the EJB 2.x module containing 2.x CMP beans. In 13.3.3, Defining data sources for entity beans, we defined the JNDI name for the EJBs in the PlantsByWebSphere EJB module as eis/jdbc/PlantsByWebSphereDataSource_CMP. You see this in the window.
Click Next.
13. Step 9: Map data sources for all 2.x CMP beans. Specify an optional data source for each 2.x CMP bean. Mapping a specific data source to a CMP bean overrides the default data source for the module containing the enterprise bean (defined in step 8, (12). We do not need to do anything here.
Click Next.
14. Step 10: Map resource references to resources. Each resource reference defined in the application must be mapped to the corresponding resource. The PlantsByWebSphere EJB module has several resource references for data sources, which are shown in this window.
Click Next.
At this step, we now get an Application Resource Warning. What this tells us is that a resource referenced by the application, mail/PlantsByWebSphere, is not defined for the scope to which we are installing our application. In fact, it is not defined at all in our environment because we will not send any e-mails from the Plants by WebSphere. If you would like to do that, you should define a Mail session with the properties for your mail server and assign it a JNDI name of mail/PlantsByWebSphere.
Click Continue.
15. Step 11: Map virtual hosts for Web modules. For each Web module, select the virtual host we created for the application (plantsbywebsphere_host).
Click Next.
16. Step 12: Map context roots for Web modules. For each Web module, select the context root to bind the module against.
Click Next.
17. Step 13: Map security roles to users and groups. Because the Plants by WebSphere EAR file contains security roles, we need to map them to users and groups in our target environment. However, because we have not enabled application security, WebSphere will not authenticate users trying to access the application. As a result, we do not need to map the roles to users and groups.
Click Next.
18. Step 14: Ensure all unprotected 2.x methods have the correct level of protection. By default, EJB methods are unprotected. On this window, you can elect to refuse all calls to unprotected methods, or specify which methods you want to exclude.
Again, because we have not enabled J2EE security, WebSphere will not authenticate users trying to access the EJBs.
Click Next.
19. Step 15: Summary. The Summary window gives an overview of application deployment settings. If those settings are fine, click Finish to deploy the application.
20. Save the configuration. If you are working in a distributed server environment, make sure you synchronize the changes with the nodes so they application is propagated to the target appserver (s).
21. If you mapped the Web modules to a Web server, make sure the Web server plug-in is regenerated and propagated to the Web server. For a quick refresh, restart the Web server. Deployment is now complete. You can now launch the Plants by WebSphere application by pointing your browser to:
http://www.plantsbywebsphere.com:9081/PlantsByWebSphereVerify the host name is one of the names you added to the plantsbywebsphere_host definition. See 14.1.5, Creating the virtual host for IBM HTTP Server and Apache.
Because the DB2 PLANTS database is now empty, it must be populated with data before the application will work. An administrative servlet is supplied for that purpose.
1. Click the HELP link in the upper right corner of the page, or go directly to http://www.plantsbywebsphere.com:9081/PlantsByWebSphere/help.jsp.
2. Select the Logging option and click Save Setting. This enables log messages in the application.
3. Click the (Re)-populate database link. This will load images and product descriptions from the EAR file and store them in the database. After the database has been populated, you can test the application.